
发布时间:2023-01-15 16:18:34 阅读:517 点赞:0

关于”谈论友谊长久“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Talk about lasting fendship。以下是关于谈论友谊长久高二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Talk about lasting fendship

Everyone needs fends in life, no one can live alone, they need fends to share their sadness and happiness, so that they can maintain a good mood, but n marage needs to run for a long time. For fendship, people will face all kinds of pblems. When you quarrel with yo fends, those who can handle the pblems will keep fendship, you o You don't want to give in.

At this time, you need to calm down. Generally speaking, you can release the tension in a few days. When both of you calm down, the quarrel is just a all episode.

Sometimes yo fends will work in another place. If you are too lazy to contact each other, the fendship will easily lose with the passage of time, and it is not easy to maintain the fendship.




2:谈持久友谊,It's important for us to know how to make fends. First of all, we should be fendly to each other. At home, no matter where they are, we should be considerate of others.

If we have different opinions with o fends, we should not quarrel with them. We should explain o reasons and not be vague. Don't trust people who leave you when you are in danger, becse ryone knows that a fend in need is indeed a fend.





3:谈论友谊长久,Fends are really fends in neednew. //"Fends share good times, listen and you in adversity" Molly olivino / "don't pity a girl who has a real fend, envy her pity for a girl who has only a thousand Acquaintances" Katie obenchain / "if you have o fends in yo life, such as If you have a good fend, you are lucky. You are n luckier than lucky.

"Ban Douglas, at that time, this was wtten by cecington /" I hope we will always be fends and we will always be together. I don't think you understand how important you are to me. One day when we go o separate ways, we will look back on the past and think about how happy we are, becse o fendship will always be The eternal "Bdget Davis / /" fend is someone who knows what you're talking about, n if you don't say "Sarah." Bennett / / "a lot of people want to de in limousines with you, but what you want is that when the limousine breaks down, someone will de with you on the bus." Oprah Winfrey / "you let me know the way of life, and you will make me happy in fnt of you." Psalm: / / when other people hold my hand, you hold it "Nick Ziegler /" I can't it, but I can with you For an ho together, I can share a joke with you.

On o way to "Mde V Preston", we all take different life paths, but no matter where we go, we share a little bit with each other. Nr forget the time I spent with you and continue to be my fend, just as you always find that I am yo "Ludwig van Beethoven /", it's hard to break the rules of confidential fendship and make yo fends angry with you, but you have to do what you feel ght in yo heart, "Amanda Ford /", you have to each other and realize that rything you want is already there“ Gretchen witter (SA Alexander Dawson's Creek /) "one of the grea things about being a ager is shang, intimacy and good times with fends. Fends are the most important part of yo life.

Chesh yo tears and lgh, but the most important thing is to chesh the memoes "Dave Brenner /", I beli that fends are quiet angels. When we forget how to fly, they will sit on o shoulders and lift o wings. " http://ileytpodcom/fendhtml.


朋友确实是needNEW中朋友。//“朋友分享美好时光,在逆境中倾听帮助你”莫莉·奥利维诺//“不要可怜有一个真正朋友女孩羡慕她怜悯只有一千个熟人女孩”凯蒂·奥查因//“尖酸刻薄话没有朋友一勺蜂蜜会比一加仑多捉苍蝇醋“杰明·//“如果你一生中有两个朋友,如果你有一个,那你就幸运了,你比幸运还幸运”布赖恩·道格拉斯,那时候,这是塞辛顿写//“我希望我们永远是朋友,我们永远在一起,我想你不明白你对我有多重要,有一天我们分道扬镳时,我们会回想过去,想想我们有多幸福,因为我们友谊永远是永恒“Bdget Davis//”朋友是知道你在说什么人,即使你不说“Sarah Bennett//”很多人都想和你一起坐豪华轿车,但你想要是,当豪华轿车抛锚时,有人和你一起坐公车“奥普拉·温弗瑞//”你让我知道了人生道路你会让我在你面前充满喜悦“诗篇://”当其他人握着我手,你握着它“尼克·齐格勒//”我无能为力,但我可以和你共度一个小时,我可以和你分享一个笑话,在我们走“Mde V Preston”路上,我们都走不同人生道路,但无论我们走到哪里,我们都会彼此分享一点。永远不要忘记我和你一起度过时光,继续做我朋友,正如你总是发现我是你“路德维希·凡·贝多芬//”一样,很难打破保密友谊准则,让你朋友生你气,但你必须做你心里觉得对事“阿曼达·福特//”,你要互相帮助,意识到你想要一切都已经是“格雷琴·维特(萨莎··道森小溪//)”之一作为一个青少年,最伟大事情就是与朋友分享,亲密和美好时光。


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