
发布时间:2023-04-10 12:59:11 阅读:76 点赞:0

关于”使用熟料带“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Use clinker belt。以下是关于使用熟料带xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Use clinker belt

We know that with the dlopment of society, and students use mobile phones. In my opinion, they are gifts fm their parents, fends or relatives. The disadvantages of using mobile phones are much obvious than the advantages of using mobile phones.

First of all, mobile phones can distract us fm listening to teachers in class. When we are in class, mobile phones ng. Undouedly, it will make all of us, including teachers and students, feel uneasy, so it will have a negative impact on o learning.

Second, we are very clear that using mobile phones will damage o health and brain. Fm the perspective of health, let me Last but not least, many of us use mobile phones to communicate with fends, but the pblem is whether they are all good to you, which can easily lead to bad fends.




2:使用熟料输送带,Something very terble happened today, but please forgive me, I can't speak for my own stupidity. I wish I could get it out of my mind, but I can't. I want to sleep.

I'm really tired of all these terble thoughts. I just want to sleep in a quiet night and forget all this happened. It's strange that I hear someone trying to drag me to A dark place, I couldn't move, but I ted to move my little finger, and suddenly I realized that I was safe, just a dream, and I could try, no matter how bad it was, night fell, day be.




3:使用熟料带,The comr has bught convenience, such as online access to information, publishing articles, watching movies, online distance virtual learning and other functions, which have bught a lot of benefits to it. It can also timely understand the la weather information, news nts and tou information of the day, can also see the newspaper of the day, stocks can stay at home, shopping, entertainment, leise, enjoy telemedicine and distance education The impper use of comrs will affect the physical and mental health of agers who are addicted to the Internet world for a long time. You will not know how to communicate with the reality, resulting in the symptoms of neork listlessness and physical discomfort.

Therefore, we give up o own study and work. When we use comrs, we must reasonably sf the Internet and correctly use this kind of high-tech pducts so that we can pvide better s.



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