
发布时间:2024-04-06 06:52:18 阅读:27 点赞:0

关于”我是一名司机“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My father is a dver。以下是关于我是一名司机专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My father is a dver

(if I am a teacher) if I am a teacher, I should take it seously and impartially. Even if I make mistakes, there is no difference beeen punishment and ordinary students. In addition, I also want to teach students.

The most important thing about moral quality is farmers like farmers. Students are like seedlings. As ptectors, they plant land, fertilize and irgate water.

In the fute, they will be the fruits of harvest If I'm going to rejuvenate the teacher, I will.




2:我是一名司机,My dream my dream is to be a lawyer. I think this is a person you can make money in a good job. I can get ch.

When I am ch, I do a lot of things. For example, I will buy a big house with a garden for my parents. I will travel nd the world with my parents.

I want to do something to people in tuble and donate some money to chaty In addition, a lawyer is a pfessional lawyer with a sense of justice, which means fighting against heaven, earth, people, law, law and fighting interests in the long joney of rule of law. Specifically, lawyers have noble quality, pfound knowledge, firm faith and positive mentality. Lawyers have extensive contacts, lawyers have stng physical quality, and lawyers must be diligent Communicate diligently, good observation lawyer should learn to dress, learn to dress up a iling lawyer.

This is my dream. I know that if I want to be a lawyer, I must have certain conditions: first, I should have a bachelor's degree or above, take the national judicial examination, pass, get a certificate, and get a regular law firm. After establishing the qualification of a lawyer, I will work hard (Study) to realize my dream.




3:我是一名司机,The reason why I choose English as my major, first of all, I choose English as my major, becse this is my personal hobby in Shenzhen. Choosing English as my major is my charactestic. First of all, I choose English as my major.

English is my favote subject. I am very interested in English. English is very useful in daily life.



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