
发布时间:2023-03-19 05:30:52 阅读:113 点赞:0

关于”理想中老师“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Ideal teacher。以下是关于理想中老师xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ideal teacher

Smart and handsome. I'm pud of myself becse I can achi perfect results in Chinese, math and English. It's not good enough.

I'm also pud of being a bther. It was a Fday night. My bther was crying all the time.

My parents were cooking dinner. I said to my mother, let me take care of this little thing my mother said. Are you se you can? Yes, beli me, I can answer.

Then my mother went to the kitchen and I went to my little bther. Oh baby, don't cry. I'll sing a song for you.

I'll hold him and sing him a song later. He's asleep. I'm so tired.

My parents are very happy and praise me as a good boy. This is the first time I take care of my little bther. I'm pud of myself.




2:理想教师,Do you have a teacher, you can say yes, ryone has his teacher, you have, he has, I think I will nr forget Hermione's first English teacher. There are many teachers in o school, some of them are old and some are young. One of them I especially like and respect is Miss Wu.

Her young woman seems to know that she teaches very well and she is not tall Gao, but she has o big eyes. Her voice sounds betiful. She speaks English very well.

She is very humous. She always teaches us in interesting ways. Sometimes she plays with us.

She is very kind. She likes singing and collecting letters. She is good at playing the piano at night.

She always sits in fnt of the piano and plays betiful music. She is also good at dancing. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.

She likes dogs very much becse The dog is very fendly and lovely. Her favote color is blue, becse blue is the color of the sky and ocean. This is my favote teacher.

O clasates like her very much. I forgot to tell you that I remember teaching a few English classes in Yiyuan middle school. This is a pcess of a peod of time.

It is not how the students start to listen to the class, and the teacher doesn't care how to continue to lecte. Only occasionally it stops when it is too noisy After a while, the teacher couldn't finish her speech. "Class stopped.

She accused us of not only being silent with us, but also not enteng university. I often heard people say that university teachers seldom communicate with students, becse most of them can only talk, especially the eyes of students who have not finished reading a class. Women, I think this is the case There are not many kinds of classes, but since the last time after school, the students are very enthusiastic, detailed than any other cose.

She said that the class she faced was sometimes seous, sometimes mild, and often with a ile that university teachers were bong, but the appearance of a large number of teachers changed my image of teachers in completing classom teaching tasks, leaving the image of teachers. Only now, some classes have stepped into the high-end, n the most nghty students are also upset. It's really interesting: whether it's teachers or the class, they're both bored Very interesting gentlemanly demeanor, all come for svival, in the United States and the United States.




3:理想中老师,Do you have a teacher, you can say yes, ryone has his teacher, you have, he has, in my mind, I will nr forget Hermione English teacher. There are many teachers in o school, some are old, some are young, one of whom I especially like and respect is Miss Wu. Her young woman seems to know rything, she teaches very well, she is tall No, but she has o big eyes.

Her voice sounds betiful. She speaks English very well. She is very humous.

She always teaches us in an interesting way. Sometimes she plays with us. She likes singing and collecting letters.

She is good at playing the piano. She always sits in fnt of the piano and plays music well. She is good at dancing.

Sometimes she teaches us to dance. She likes dogs very much becse dogs are my best My favote color is blue, becse I like her very much, especially my clasates.



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