
发布时间:2023-05-14 12:34:20 阅读:118 点赞:0

关于”使用电脑“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Use comr。以下是关于使用电脑专升英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Use comr

Students use comrs as shown in the fige above. The average number of hos students spend on comrs per week increases at an alarming rate ry year. Speaking of these changes, we should first consider the following reasons, becse comrs are getting cheaper and students can afford a comr to them learn.

In addition, the huge convenience and capacity of comrs is a temptation to the younger generation. Although comrs bng vaous benefits, many people also complain about their shortcomings. For example, they are wored that some children spend so much time playing comr s, and the technical defects of comr s can cse great damage, but in my opinion, as long as we can make full use of it, we can It will be found that its advantages oueigh its disadvantages.




2:使用计算机,As we all know, comrs play an important le in o daily life, but agers always indulge in comr s, which makes them fall into a lower position. I suddenly realized that we should use the comr correctly. We can also search the useful information we need fm the Internet.

We can read some insping stoes to ench o knowledge, and we can play s pperly to reduce the heavy bden of schoolwork. These correct methods of using comrs have a positive impact on o study and life.




3:使用电脑,The Internet plays an important le in o life. On the Internet, we can learn the news and all kinds of information at home and abad. We can also send information by email, make phone calls, read vaous books and learn forei languages.

In addition, we can enjoy music, watch sports s and play s on the Internet. We can shop, train tickets or plane tickets, etc. In short, the Internet makes o life colorful.



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