
发布时间:2023-06-04 04:17:02 阅读:68 点赞:0

关于”时间“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Time of notification。以下是关于时间专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Time of notification

The company will oze training coses to learn how to operate the new in order to fulfill the order. We hope that all team leaders and team leaders will learn the first, so that they can communicate effectively with shipping companies and related businesses online. If necessary, please call the secretary.

Requirements: take a break with notebook and pen, dnk coffee and tea. Training time: Wednesday.





2:时间,I'm not in a middle school. I love my school. There are than students in o school.

We have math, English, Chinese, music, art, sports and so on. O teachers are very fendly to us. Although they are stct with all o subjects, we love them very much in the classom.

They teach us knowledge. After class, they often play s with us, such as football. I usually do Join an art club or sports club after school.




3:时间,In order to inject fresh blood into the students, the school has enough reserve forces with high quality, can carry out student work effectively and give full play to the le of student gups. The college, vaous departments serving students and the recruitment mobilization meeting specially started the new pcess of enllment work: Publicity: please us make a radio advertisement, badcast the new enllment activities ry day , put up posters at the entrance of the dormitory area, and put up flyers and websites in each building to inform teachers and students of the enllment situation of the school and the new situation of students' enllment. On the afternoon of October

18, a mobilization meeting was held to intduce the functions of vaous departments of the new student be to the students, the setting up of the departments, the results of students and the overall situation of students' release To the main participants: Director Lin of the college, Secretary of the student office of the Communist Youth League, department leaders, student union, pncipal person in charge of the pfessional department of the college, department director, class leader and gup secretary.



标签: 女孩英文名  宠物英文名  王者英文名  E开头英文名 

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