
发布时间:2023-05-15 04:18:26 阅读:1127 点赞:0

关于”你最崇拜历史人物“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The histocal fige you ade most。以下是关于你最崇拜历史人物高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The histocal fige you ade most

Qu Yuan, born in the Xiling Gorge Area in the west of Hubei Pvince, was once a minister of the state of Chu. He was born in the astocracy. He advocated political loyalty and truth, and was eager to safeguard the power of Chu state.

Qu Yuan advocated an alliance with the vassal states at that time and opposed Qin, the overlord who threatened to rule the state of Chu. It is said that the king of Chu collapsed under the influence of other corrupt elements, envied his ministers, slandered Qu Yuan, and exiled his most loyal counsellor. It is said that Qu yuan first retned to his hometown dung his exile.

He spent a lot of time collecting legends and sorting out folk songs when traveling in the countryside. He d some Chinese The grea poem in literate expresses the love for the country and the deepest worry about the fute of the country. According to legend, his anxiety made him and unhealthy when he was depressed.

He often took a walk near a certain well. Dung this peod, he would see his reflection in the water and his own people. According to legend, this well is called "face reflection well" on a hillside in Xiangluping, Zigui, Hubei Pvince.

One well is considered to be a pmitive well in Quyuan peod , It is said that Qu Yuan once wte a long poem "moning for the response" wtten by Bai Qi, the general of Qin state, who was arrested in Ying, the capital of the Qin state. Later, he got involved in the Miluo River in Hunan Pvince and committed a tual suicide with a huge stone in his hand as a p against the corruption of the times.




2:你最钦佩历史人物,Karl Heinch Marx is a Prussian philosopher, political economist and revolutionist. He is famous for his ysis of history. In the first sentence of the intduction to the Communist Manifesto, Marx concluded that "the history of all societies that exist so far is the history of class struggle".

Marx thought that capitali would be the society Sociali will bng communi. Marx is not only a scholar, but also a political activist. He is often called the father of communi.

He sometimes thinks that his ysis of capitali rals that capitali is destined to end becse of the pblems it can not solve: therefore, the dlopment of modern industry has cut the foundation for bogeois pduction and contl of pducts fm the bogeoisie's feet. What the bogeoisie pduces as a result, first of all, is that It is its own grave digger, the fall of the pletaat and the victory of the pletaat are inevitable (Communist Manifesto). At other times, he belis that capitali will end thugh an orized action of an international working class: "communi is not a state to be established for us, an ideal that must be adjusted in reality.

We call communi a real movement, it abolishes the status quo of things, and the conditions of this movement come fm the premise of existing (fm German Ideolo) Marx was a relatively unknown fige in his own life, and his thoughts be to have a siificant impact on the workers' movement shortly after his death. This influence was fther pmoted by the victory of Marxist Bolsheviks in the October Revolution of Russia. Few areas in the world were not influenced by Marxi in the 20th centy Great influence Marx's view on "Marxi" is a contversial point of view.

Some people think that his thought is not believable, and Marxi still has influence in the academic and political circles. Biographer Francis wheen reiterated David McClellan's view in his book "Marxist capital", that is, becse Marxist thought has not been achid in the West Victory, "it has not yet become an official ideolo, so it is a seous subject of study that is not contlled by the government.".




3:你最崇拜历史人物,Abraham Lincoln was born in February in a cabin in Kentucky, when he was a little boy. His family moved to the border area of Indiana. His mother said he had little formal education in reading and wting about Lincoln.

But when Lincoln was a young man, he became one of the best educated people in the western region. Lincohen, new state, Illinois, was very young He wanted to make a living, but in his spare time he studied law and soon became one of the most famous lawyers in Spngfield, Illinois, where Lincoln was famous for his debate with Stephen Douglas about slavery. Lincoln was elected president of the United States.

He is a candidate for the new Republican . The party opposed the creation of a new slave state. Shortly after he was elected, some Southern States withdrew.

Dung the war, Lincoln issued his famous "emancipation declaration". After the war, all slaves who seceded fm the Union would be free fm that day on. The 13th Amendment was added to the constitution of the United States.

The amendment ended slavery thughout the United States in the early days of the civil war. A few days after the end of the war, the South was defeated by the north. Lincoln was shot dead by an actor named John Wilkes Booth.

The president died in Apl, and the world lost one of the grea men of all time.




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