
发布时间:2023-10-27 08:14:09 阅读:62 点赞:0

关于”我圣诞假期“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My Chstmas holiday。以下是关于我圣诞假期高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My Chstmas holiday

My vacation and summer vacation have come. What I want to do most is to travel. I joined an outdoor club and went to the seaside in Zhejiang Pvince with other members.

The time we started o joney was: at night I was too sleepy, I fell asleep on the bus, and suddenly someone pushed me. I opened my eyes and the betiful sea was there. What a betiful place we were swimming in the sea, playing beach volleyball, wind, sun, blue sky and happy boys and girls formed a betiful picte at noon.

We made seafood, like crabs, shmps and shellfish Shell and so on, they are so delicious, I now salivate, I will nr forget this interesting taste.




2:我圣诞假期,May day is the international labor day. I have a short holiday. Fm Apl to may, my parents planned to travel to Sanya.

But it was too hot there, so we cancelled the plan. We stayed at home the first morning. I went out to play basketball with my fends.

We haven't played basketball for a long time. So we had a good time together in the afternoon. Becse of the hot weather, my mother didn't let me go out, so I didn't My grandparents came to visit us in Apl.

The last time I saw them, I missed them very much. We went to the park and zoo dung the day and night. We watched TV.

My grandparents cared about my study and asked some questions. I told them that I studied hard. They didn't have to worry about me.

I had a good time A holiday for.




3:我圣诞假期,My holiday in my holiday, I did a lot of things, this holiday, I am very busy, very happy, this is an interesting, busy weekend, Satday morning, I get up very early, I do homework in the afternoon, I go to the library, when reading in the ning, I and my parents watch TV on Sunday afternoon, I go to Jiushan park with my mother and I, I am very happy to play in the ning, I Playing comr s at home is a happy holiday. This is my week's holiday.



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