
发布时间:2023-12-10 07:07:36 阅读:73 点赞:0

关于”xx年四季活动“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Activities thughout the year。以下是关于xx年四季活动小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Activities thughout the year

In China, there are fo seasons in a year. Spng, summer, tumn and winter are hot and cold in winter. Spng is comfortable.

Spng is fm March to May. Summer is fm June to August. Fm September to November is tumn.

Finally, winter is the last. Among the fo seasons of the year, I like winter best.




2:全年活动,My favote season my favote season is spng. It is neither too hot nor too cold. Everything is full of life in spng.

Flowers are blooming, trees tn green, the sun is warm, and the weather is usually good. I like camping in spng. In the natal envinment, I feel refreshed, birds are singing in the trees, and flowers ell so good.

I will forget all the bad feelings in my life. I love it spng.




3:xx年四季活动,There are spng, summer, tumn and winter all year und. Spng is warm and sunny. Everything in nate is green, so we can go out and relax and breathe fresh air.

I think this is a good way to enjoy o betiful nate. Summer is hot and rainy, but summer is the best entertainment season, becse we can swim in the sea and enjoy the betiful sun on the beach. Autumn must be very interesting, very cool and comfortable, and it is also the best season for harvest.

If we have the chance, farmers are busy in their fields. We can Go to the country and buy some fresh fruits and vegetables. In winter, the weather is very cold and cold.

O world is covered with snow. We can make snowmen, fight with the snow, and enjoy the betiful ice lanterns in Harbin. But I prefer to go to Sanya becse it is in Hainan Island.

Even in December, the weather is always so warm. I can still enjoy the green palm trees, the betiful sea, the sunny beach and so on Blue sky, maybe I can find endless fun there.



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