
发布时间:2023-12-17 10:39:56 阅读:35 点赞:0

关于”介绍你动物朋友“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Intduce yo animal fend。以下是关于介绍你动物朋友高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo animal fend

Hello, Tom, Tom has been for a long time. No matter what you do with yoself, I have a new fend. His name is Jerry.

He likes playing basketball very much. As you said, I would like to intduce Jerry to you. Tom, I beli you o will be good fends.

Jerry lives by the ver. He runs by the ver ry day, so in the sports , he is very stng, he only uses I'm se you'll like him. Jerry is as tall as you.

If you have such a fend, you can play basketball with him anytime. I'm looking forward to it,.




2:介绍你动物朋友,The most betiful part of the bety that a picte can't express is the apppate and elet movements, not the bety that can't be expressed by a picte, nor the betiful bety that can be expressed at the first sight of life. There is no peculiar bety. The pportion of this kind of bety is indistinguishable.

Is it apelles or Albert duller, which is insiificant than that kind of bety I don't think anyone would like a character like this, but I think a painter may do better than r, but he has to do it.




3:介绍你动物朋友,My fend Mary who has a dog named Jacky. It's very white and betiful. She plays with it ry day.

It's quiet and lovely. So she likes it. For example, one of her family members.

She likes to eat donuts. She likes sleeping. She likes it very much.

For example, she is always at home alone. Only it can keep her company. Sometimes she uses it to watch movies downloaded fm her comr.

When she sees a horr movie, she will be scared if she doesn't hold it. Besides, she often goes to the park after supper. You can see how much she likes her dog.




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