
发布时间:2023-07-17 10:03:03 阅读:52 点赞:0

关于”做什么是有意义事“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:What is meaningful to do。以下是关于做什么是有意义事高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What is meaningful to do

My father is a doctor. He always tes his best to ry patient and make them feel comfortable, but sometimes he works too hard to remember the date. My mother is a woman with poor memory.

She always does a lot of housework, but sometimes she makes mistakes becse of carelessness. For example, one day, she washed clothes in the washing machine. After the washing machine finished her work, she found that she had not put the Now let me tell you something interesting: one day, my father wanted to get up early as usual, but he couldn't becse he didn't set an alarm clock the night before, so when he got up, he did rything in a hry after his father left.

My mother said mysteously to me, "he will be back soon." why "I am spsed" becse today is a week Day, his holiday "as mom said, Dad went home soon and went to bed again. He was too tired.




2:做什么是有意义,We live on the same earth. We are all members of this big family. We should each other to make o life colorful.

So I think it's o duty to those who are in tuble. First of all, to others is to oselves. We will all encounter many difficulties in o life.

We also need others to us. When we encounter difficulties or dangers, now we give o love and care to others. Then we will get love and care fm others.

Second, ing others is a very important thing A good way to express o politeness. If we do this, it is polite to others. We should try o best to others in o daily life.

There is a famous saying called "ryone for me, ryone for me". Let us always remember this sentence.




3:做什么是有意义事,After a wonderful new year's day, I would like to share my expeence with you. You can't imagine that I learned English calligraphy on New Year's day. I got up early and thought about what I should do to impve myself.

I decided to practice my English handwting first. After reading it, I took out my copy. I started to wte a few pages by myself.

At first, it was easy, but after a peod of time, I felt that It's a little bong. I can't stop my thinking. Comr s and movies are very interesting.

On the contrary, I overcome my laziness and insist on practicing for sral hos. Although I only impve my English handwting, I don't think I'm wasting my time as a high school student. I know I shouldn't waste my time doing some useless entertainment.

I need to practice and practice Xi, as I did on New Year's day, so that I can realize my dream in the college entrance examination and enter my favote university.



标签: 出国英文名  工作英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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