
发布时间:2024-03-04 15:30:55 阅读:604 点赞:0

关于”如何解决问题“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:How to solve the pblem。以下是关于如何解决问题六级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to solve the pblem

Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining that traffic congestion has seously affected people's daily life and economic dlopment. In order to solve this pblem, some people suggest that streets and ads should be built in this way. The traffic density can be reduced so as to speed up the flow of buses and cars.

Howr, new ads and streets will be filled with many cars and public cars. Therefore, some people suggest limiting the number of bicycles and cars, which can reduce the traffic flow On the other hand, it will affect consumption and make buses cwded. While contlling the number of pvate cars, buses should have their own dedicated lines, other vehicles can not be used, and subway and ban trains should dlop rapidly.




2:如何解决这个问题,Limited land is one of the reasons why people need and land for their work, entertainment, life and ban dlopment. At the same time, equal land is needed to dlop transportation facilities such as bdges and ads to meet the huge traffic demand. This bngs a contradiction beeen population gwth and traffic dlopment.

We should carefully weigh the balance beeen the o, People depend on traffic, and they also contl the dlopment of transportation, so that we can share an orderly and pleasant transportation . We must contl population gwth and solve existing pblems.




3:如何解决问题,Wte a composition: how to solve the housing pblem in big cities. Yo suggestions for this pblem are listed below. You should wte in favor of one pposal (only one) and against the other (only one).

You should give yo reasons in both cases how to solve the housing pblem in big cities with the dlopment of modern industry, and people po into big cities, and the housing pblems in big cities are becoming and seous. People have pvided many solutions to this pblem. I think it is practical to build satellite cities in the subbs.

The fresh air and betiful scenery in the subbs will attract ban residents, becse they are tubled by air pollution, noise, etc. in the cwded city, the people leave the city, the the remaining people have. The housing pblem in big cities is solved.

At the same time, I oppose the idea of using undergund to solve pblems. We can imagine how uncomfortable it would be to live undergund, it would be bong to detect the air in the dark, and the cost of building an undergund house would be huge. In short, the construction of satellite city can not only impve the housing conditions of big cities, but also pvide a better living envinment.

Howr, the housing pblem is very complex, and it is difficult for people to solve the pblem only by one method.


写一篇作文:如何解决大城市住房问题你对这个问题建议在下面列出你应该写赞成一个建议(只有一个)和反对另一个(只有一个你应该在这两种情况下给出你理由 如何解决大城市住房问题随着发展现代工业,越来越多人涌入大城市,大城市住房问题越来越严重,人们已经为这个问题提供了许多解决办法。我认为在郊区建设卫星城更切合实际。




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