
发布时间:2024-01-13 07:41:03 阅读:47 点赞:0



As the largest dloping country in the world, China is very pud of its contbution to human outer exploration. It will become an important dving force for China's economic and social dlopment. The succesul lnch of Shenzhou V has opened a new chapter in history in Gansu Pvince—— The large white Long March 2F cket carrying Shenzhou-5 craft and Yang Liwei, China's first astnt, ejected an orange flame and flew majestically into the sky.

Before disappeang into the deep , o dream gradually became a reality. Although Shenzhou-5 has circled the earth for sral times, it clearly shows the Chinese people's spit of dedication, cooperation and psuit for the unknown world. It will become an important dving force for national economic and social dlopment.

The succesul lnch of Shenzhou-5 has opened a new chapter in the history of .


(骄傲),在消失于深空之前逐渐成为一颗璀璨球体,作为世界上最大发展家,为人类外层空间探索做出自己贡献感到无比自豪,它将成为经济和社会发展一个重要推动力——神舟五号成发开创了太空史上新篇章甘肃省——运载神舟五号飞船大型白长征二号F火箭和第一位航天员杨利伟,出一团橙火焰,壮丽地飞向天空,在消失在深空之前,我们梦想逐渐成为现实。虽然神舟五号在地球上绕了几圈,但它清楚地展示了人对未知世界奉献、合作和追求精神,它将成为国家经济和社会发展重要推动力神舟五号成发,开创了太空史上新篇章 nF。


2:自豪,Recently, in some dangeus corners of the world, such as Afghanistan and Pakistan, the war will nr end, or in some religious countes, women's status is low, and they still have a long way to go to . Here, we have always enjoyed peace and secuty. It is reported that Chinese tousts were rescued by helicopters sent by the Chinese government when the earthquake happened.

This moment is exciting I have a great sense of pde, which is the pde I have nr had in my life, becse I am a Chinese fm all over the world and feel the stng power.




3:骄傲,We will nr forget the day when China's first manned craft was lnched fm Jiuquan Satellite Lnch Center in Northwest China's Gansu Pvince on October

10. The white Long March 2F cket carrying Shenzhou-5 craft and China's first astnt Yang Liwei flew into the sky maificently, gradually tning into a bght sphere and then disappeang into the deep sky. Although it has opened a few minutes of the spit of China's exploration and dlopment, it has opened a few minutes of the spit of China's Shenzhou-5 in the psuit of economic dlopment.



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