
发布时间:2023-12-19 08:30:17 阅读:80 点赞:0

关于”人生艰难“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Life is hard。以下是关于人生艰难小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Life is hard

O life is the sum of all o choices. The decisions we make today are likely to play an important le in o fute. When I was

13 years old, my mother always hoped that I would be a girl with good academic records.

But I liked playing drums and didn't like learning at all. As a result, she didn't allow me. As time went on, we often quarreled, and I gradually found that A person should be knowledgeable.

No matter what kind of person he is in the fute, he will make up his mind to work hard and take playing drums as my hobby. I think the choice I made must be wise.




2:生活是艰难,When I encounter difficulties, I will calm down first, and then think of ways fm different angles. I'll go thugh the work I've done to see if there are any mistakes. If not, I'll make se that the appach is ght, I just need to work harder at a certain point, and I may still be stuck.

Macy will ask my fends or teachers for , and they may give me a new perspective on the pblem I'm solving. No one can do anything all the time. When something distracts my attention, I clear my mind Focus on what I want to achi, and then I get the passion and motivation to oppose my fends.

Life is also the most precious asset. They will give me insight into life and enhance the true meaning of life.




3:人生艰难,Maybe it's the genetic reason. I was born fat. Although my parents don't eat too much, my weight is still very heavy.

Therefore, I sometimes get diculed by my clasates, which makes me feel infeor. So for my health, I decided to lose weight after pmary school. My parents supported me very much.

They n made a plan for me. For example, I had to get up at

6:30 in the afternoon and run about fo Ten minutes. I go swimming for about half an ho.

That's the only thing I expect. I like swimming. I don't eat much for lunch and dinner.

The food is mainly vegetables. It's too difficult becse I like hambgers, meat and desserts. I have to say no to them.

Moreover, I can't sit in an ho. Fortunately, after o and a half months, I lost

10 kilograms. I didn't feel any discomfort.

I felt that I was living in rebirth. My fends were so spsed that I changed so much. The most important thing is that I became confident and healthy.



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