
发布时间:2023-06-21 08:45:49 阅读:157 点赞:0

关于”长大工作“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Gwing up work。以下是关于长大工作高三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Gwing up work

Everyone will gw up. My parents often ask me what I want to gw up. In fact, I have a lot of ideas.

I want to be a policeman and catch bad people. I want to be an airborne soldier becse I think I am very brave. I want to be a special force and fight with the enemy with guns.

I want to be a doctor. I have nr thought about it before, becse I am a little afraid, when a doctor is terble I have to deal with the dead, but ry time I have a headache, a fr and a stomachache, the doctor can always me recover, so that I can recover my healthy and lively appearance. I think the doctor is also good.

My mother said that she would like me to be a doctor. She often said that if I became a doctor later, when she was ill, I could see a doctor if I could use my skills and let the patient treat the patient Well, that should be a very good thing, that is, I want to gw up now, and I will be able to let my heart achi it.




2:成长工作,I'm a student. I dream of what I would do when I was young. One of my dreams is to be a mechanical desi engineer.

I was interested in this subject when I was

10 years old. The complicated structe and unique functions attracted me deeply. The most important thing is that machinery has extensive connection with o daily life.

Equipment and equipment are made up of parts. Mechanical knowledge can be used It is one of my dreams to make all the parts fluent together. At the same time, machinery also gives us opportunities to practice by hand.

This is one of my dreams. I hope I can stick to it and realize it thugh my efforts.



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