
发布时间:2023-04-28 02:44:46 阅读:260 点赞:0

关于”给朋友一封信“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A letter to a fend。以下是关于给朋友一封信四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A letter to a fend

Do you know my name? My name is Kevin bill. I am a one year old boy. I come fm China.

I can speak English, Korean and Chinese. I am very tall. I have a big head, a all nose and a healthy body.

I like reading and sfing the Internet very much. I also like playing basketball, bton and football. On Satday, I play with my good fends.

Why do I like to play so well? I think they are good for o health, and they are very interesting. How about my family and my om? I have a happy family. There are fo people in my family.

They are my father, my mother is a dver, my mother is a worker, my bthers and sisters are students, I am also a student, we often have a holiday when the winter vacation comes, becse we can enjoy the breath of winter, we always climb the mountain together. I have a big om with a lamp bed and a comr. My school is very betiful.

There are many betiful flowers in my school. Can you tell me yo name.






2:给朋友信,Dear Lucy, I'm glad to hear fm you, and I'm glad to know that you've had a good day. Please give my best wishes to yo parents. I have a happy holiday.

Just like you, my parents and I went to Guangzhou. Guangzhou is also known as the flower city. There are many flowers on both sides of the street.

It is very betiful. In addition, the envinment is clean and the climate is pleasant. There are many skyscrs in Guangzhou, especially in the center of the city.

We have visited many toust attractions. They are all worth visiting. I hope you can visit it in person one day.

You will like it, Alva.





3:给朋友一封信,Wang Xia, Lucy: Lucy, dear Lucy, I'm sorry to hear that you encounter some pblems in the pcess of learning Chinese and feel uneasy. You say that you will feel nervous when facing this language, and yo spoken Chinese has not impved. You find it difficult to communicate with the students in the Chinese class.

Don't worry, I will give you some suggestions first, such as English, Chinese is a language, we Learn to communicate, so you need to practice speaking Chinese as much as possible, which will to impve yo Chinese ll and impve yo sense of language. Secondly, you can listen to Chinese radio pgrams, becse it is a very useful way. Thirdly, in order to impve yo listening ability, you should make some Chinese fends bravely.

Close fendship will you learn the language well, and doing some reading will you learn . I hope these can you. Best wishes, Wang Xia.




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