
发布时间:2023-07-03 16:24:58 阅读:116 点赞:0

关于”令你尴尬一件事“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Something embarrassing for you。以下是关于令你尴尬一件事初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Something embarrassing for you

My deskmate is a very betiful girl. She is of medium height. She has o betiful big eyes.

Her nose is a little all. Her mouth is very all. She has a und face.

Her ears and chin are very lovely. She has betiful long black hair. She studies English very well.

He often s me learn English. He is very kind to me. She is always ful.

Everyone in o school likes her very much.




2:有什么让你尴尬事吗,I often hear people say that embarrasent is not good, but what is the taste? I have this feeling before, but after expeencing it, I really realized that "embarrasent" can not be used at that time. I took the bus to Wuxi children's palace to have dance lessons, catch the passenger peak, tell the truth, don't learn to dance, I really don't want to squeeze the cwded car Oh, come on, finally get on the bus With the flow of people, I finally found a shelter, holding the armrest, standing next to me was an old woman: she was carrying a package, blushing, panting. I saw her standing a little bit, trying to her, but he was standing in the middle of them, incompetent.

Grandma was sitting on the side of the seat, sitting like a junior high school student, with earphones in her ears and chewing gum In "enjoying" the scenery outside the window, becse rything in the car had nothing to do with him. The car was running, and suddenly stopped. Grandma had no time to stand still and fell on the body of the junior high school student.

The body of the junior high school student was about to be removed, pretending nothing had happened. Then he tned his head to the window. At this time, his feet were still beating, and the old woman reluctantly stood up, Sighing the dving distance, watching the people on the car with the shaking of the car, like dancing Yangko, suddenly fm left to ght, the lights were red, "say" the car suddenly stopped, grandma this time fell on the junior high school students, junior high school students can be anxious, stang at the eyes, hands will be pushed away by the grandmother, Granny almost fell, I really can't go to junior high school, said: "grandma standing too uncomfortable Now, you not only don't sit, but also push her.

"I said," I let my grandson sit there. Yo child will really meddle in his business. "" ah.

"At this time, I was spsed and embarrassed, but I couldn't intervene suddenly. I found that all the people in the car gave me a strange look. My face tned red.

I felt that the car was slowly, and the time seemed to be fzen. I hated looking for it The sewing dll finally stopped before the car stopped. I had already run down very quickly.

Although it has been sral days, I feel embarrassed ry time I think about it, OK.




3:令你尴尬一件事,You ask me what I want to eat the most is regret medicine. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, or I have to swallow a bad thing. That's becse I regret that this story happened in my summer vacation.

I'm with my sister Jane this summer vacation. She's a few years younger than me. We played together at home.

I just bought a very betiful toy, and then I showed it to her, and she liked it very much. I gave her the toy and let her play for a while. Later, I went to the bathom, but when I came back, I couldn't find the toy.

I think my sister must have stolen it. I told her that if she didn't retn the toy to me, I would tell my mother that when she cared me on her back, I would tell her, but my poor little sister said that she didn't steal the toy. I was very angry.

Then I bit her and she bst into tears. I found the toy lying on the floor under the table, but I acted as if I didn't find it and told my mother when she came back Very angry, she bit my poor sister Aershan. Now I can't forget this matter.

It makes me understand that no matter what I want to do, I must be careful and not be absent-minded, otherwise my carelessness will be unfair to innocent people.




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