
发布时间:2024-02-14 13:39:04 阅读:169 点赞:0

关于”第一人称“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:first person。以下是关于第一人称专八英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:first person

Hello ryone. My name is Betty. I am a happy girl.

I am

13 years old. I have big eyes. My hair is very long.

I study in Dongzhou middle school. My school is very big and betiful. I have some hobbies.

I like listening to music, reading books and watching TV online. I like English and math. I have a happy family.

My father is a dver. My mother is an office worker. They love me.

I have o new fends Yu Jinwen and Shen Linzhi are betiful girls. They are my fends. Do you want to be my fends.




2:第一人称,Have a good tp. I went to Hainan with my family today. We went by plane after we got off the plane.

We went to the beach to see the betiful beach and swim there. There are other people there, some are sfing, some are diving in the deep sea. Later, we had lunch at a seafood restrant near the beach.

We had seafood like shmp and excrement, and had some abalone soup. We didn't want to go home becse the scenery was so betiful and there were many other exciting things to try, but unfortunately, we should go. It was definitely an exciting tp.

If I had a chance to go there again, I would be very happy again I visited this place for the first time.





3:第一人称,Last Sunday, my fend Alison and I went shopping. A grandmother wanted to go to the ad, but a car came. Fortunately, many people came to her.

Finally, the dver went to the police and grandma went to the hospital. This story tells us that we must be careful to deto the ad, we must obey the traffic rules.



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