
发布时间:2023-10-12 17:00:37 阅读:143 点赞:0

关于”我喜欢四季“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:I like the fo seasons。以下是关于我喜欢四季小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I like the fo seasons

Spng is the beginning of the year. Everything starts to wake up fm the long cold winter. Birds sing outside the window ry morning.

Trees gw new leaves. Summer comes. The wind blows away in spng.

Trees tn dark green. People wear shorts, shirts and skirts. They often go swimming.

In tumn and summer, the leaves tn bwn and fall on the gund. Fruits and cps mate The farmers harvest in the fields, winter finally comes, wind and snow, we all stay at home to enjoy the peace of winter.




2:我喜欢四季,In spng, the earth has retned to fresh green, flowers, like a fragile little pncess, they sometimes unfold flowers, some midsummer, the sun s on the sky, students have played basketball on the playgund, some playing s under the tree, some are playing bton, bton suddenly ran to one side, rushed to the other side, dazzling people, others are playing football, the whole campus has become In the golden ocean, the leaves of the campus are flying, the leaves of the grass and flowers are tning yellow, and the clothes of the students are getting thicker and thicker. Ding the class, the whole campus appears quiet. Only the sound of the wind blowing and the catchy love of cardamom are heard.

In winter, the comes quietly. We have already put on cotton padded jacket and hat grass, which is used to make cotton on the pe Jacket, grass and flowers are not ready for winter, so "cold" is o eyes of the fo seasons.




3:我喜欢四季,It's spng, summer, tumn and winter. In spng, the weather is getting warmer and rything is back to life. Farmers are busy planting seeds.

When summer comes, the weather becomes very hot and often rains, which is the best season of the year for farmers.



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