
发布时间:2024-04-07 06:13:29 阅读:10 点赞:0

关于”保护环境“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:ptect the envinment。以下是关于保护环境高一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:ptect the envinment

Envinmental ptection pblems are becoming and seous in the world. For example, cars make the air unhealthy, people breathe unhealthy, factoes emit toxic gases, trees on mountains are cut down, and waste water is continuously discharged into vers. In addition, no matter where we go today, if we do not handle them carefully, we will find that garbage pollution is threatening o svival.

In fact, the earth is o home. We have the responsibility to take good care of it for oselves and o fute generations. Fortunately, and people realize that these pblems have been taken by the government to solve these pblems, and the government has passed the law I hope this pblem will be solved in the near fute and o home will become better and better.




2:保护环境,With the dlopment of economy, o country is becoming and powerful, but the envinment seems to be getting worse and worse. Therefore, it is very important to take meases to ptect the envinment. First of all, we should realize the importance of being envinmentally fendly.

Secondly, we can plant trees. In addition, the government should take meases to ma the local factoes. We should coordinate the relationship beeen economic dlopment and the envinment.




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