
发布时间:2023-11-15 04:17:13 阅读:64 点赞:0

关于”生命中朋友加“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Fends in life。以下是关于生命中朋友加中考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fends in life

Seize the star that holds yo destiny, the star that inkles in yo heart forr. Take advantage of the precious opportunity, while they are still shining, you always beli that yo ultimate goal can be achid as long as you put yo best effort into it, although sometimes obstacles may hinder yo dream. Remember, yo destiny is hidden behind them and accept the fact that not ryone is Will agree with the choices you make, have confidence in yo judent, hold on to the star that inkles in yo heart, it will guide you to yo destiny.

Along this ad, uncover the sweet sunse waiting for you, be pud of yo achiments, as if they were stepping stones to yo dreams. Understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them prnt you fm cheshing yo abilities and talents, becse they are It's something that is truly unique to you. The grea gift in life is not bought.

Howr, thugh hard work and determination, find the star that inkles in yo heart, becse only you can realize yo bgh dream. Give all yo hopes to you, and you will seize the star that contls yo destiny.




2:生活中朋友,I am the wind gentle wind I am the cloud slow cloud I am the water the silent water I am the mountain boundless mountain if you like, I will be the gentle wind will wrap yo lonely soul if you like, I will be the slow cloud, no dou will be yo support, if you so hope, will be the silent water does not have a whisper to ptect you at yo side, if you will, I will not hesitate to love you like that I regret that I am not the wind, can not take care of you, I hate I am not the cloud, can not bng you warmth, I pity myself is not water, can not be so pe, I am angry that I am not a mountain, can not have my love will be as immovable as I think, I can only be myself this time my mortal self, my only self, I can always hope to be I long for love, but I don't understand her pfound mystery. I try to transcend it, but I prefer silence and anonymity. I want to be mate but I prefer to remain innocent.

I hope she loves me, but I don't know where my goal is n if I really love endless exploration. I am a lonely little dot in this secular world. I am a powerless dust in this universe My love thought itself is not great, so I ask to live better as far as I can, and there is no need to live in the high joy - as long as a person's life has some value, there is a sense of secuty, fearless and willful love will bng me great pain.

Yo transience and capce bng me loneliness, busy work and unconsciousness will make me lose myself Just looking for and waiting for those things that with life.




3:生命中朋友加,Although there are many things to pay attention to, we should be grateful for than these. Although the bety of life can sometimes be covered up, it will nr be spassed. For ry meaningless destructive act, there are thousands of all and quiet acts of love, kindness and sympathy.

For ryone who tes to ht, there are many, people who devote their lives to and ce The , the bety of life is undeniable. In the most maificent scenery and the allest details, carefully observe, becse this kind of goodness always s with light, the bety of life is infinite, and it becomes cher with each new encounter. The you expeence and appreciate the bety of life, the better life will be.

Even if the cold wind blows, the world seems to be shuded in mist. The bety of life lies in opening yo eyes and opening yo heart. You will find that bety is rywhere.

Although the bety of life sometimes seems to suffer setbacks, it will always continue, becse in the darkest moment, life is pceless, so the bety of life will become powerful becse of the following things: time and again, when you are afraid that the bety of life will disappear forr, you will find that the bety of life is actually in the next corner of a moment, in ry moment Take time to let the bety of life touch yo spit, calm yo mind and share yo good luck with others, becse the bety of life will become and betiful ry time. Despite the constant attention paid to pblems and the seemingly intensified conflicts, the bety of life is becoming powerful, silent, peaceful and meaningful than r before.






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