
发布时间:2023-05-23 16:15:35 阅读:105 点赞:0

关于”父母乐观题目“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Parental optimi。以下是关于父母乐观题目xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Parental optimi

As an optimist, do you think the glass is half full rather than empty? The o different answers to the question represent o different attitudes towards life. Optimi and pessimi always bng happiness, health and success, while pessimi leads to despair, disease and faile. That's becse the way in which optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments is quite different.

Pessimists tend to blame themselves, while optimists look for loops A hole optimist thinks that he can contl his oval life. If things don't go well, he will act quickly, look for solutions, form a new action plan, and seek advice. On the contrary, a pessimist succu to the fate and moves slowly.

He does not seek advice becse he thinks nothing can be done. Most people are a mixte of optimi and pessimi Body. If you can change fm pessimi to optimi, optimi is very important to all aspects of o life, you can change yo life.




2:父母乐观主义,It is undeniable that most optimists have a high happiness index, while pessimists can hardly realize this. Therefore, we must take a positive attitude towards o life, and the optimistic attitude will stngly infect others. This means that we will find that if we observe o fends aund us fm the same perspective, they are optimistic.

Therefore, we can To a natal atmosphere of optimi and happiness, therefore, let us always remember the famous poet Shelley's famous saying: If winter comes, will spng be far behind.




3:父母乐观题目,I am very happy to intduce myself to you. My name is I am very tall. I have a und face and o big black eyes.

I work hard. I always get good grades. I am good at English and math.

I often my clasates learn English. They like me very much. I like all kinds of sports.

But I like playing basketball best. I often play basketball with my clasates after school I like playing the piano. In my spare time, I like playing the piano.

I can play it very well.



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