
发布时间:2023-11-29 02:29:26 阅读:46 点赞:0

关于”对手机依赖“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Dependence on mobile phones。以下是关于对手机依赖六级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Dependence on mobile phones

Super Dan and his former val Li Chongwei met again in the Olympic Games. They were in the same situation ice. Super Dan finally won.

Everyone tned their eyes to the competition. But this time, Li Zongwei defeated Lin Dan, and ryone gave them the warmest hand. Lin Dan is a superstar in bton industry, so they are the o best Li Zongwei has r had When bton players meet in the final, the competition will be very fierce.

Lin Dan won the Grand Slam. Although Bruce Lee only defeated Lin Dan in a all competition, Bruce Lee always lacked a grand slam to pve himself. He still beat Bruce Lee and won the championship in the London Olympic Games.

But he decided to insist that now they are not young any , and they are in Rio At the meeting, we met Bruce Lee who defeated his lifelong val, Lin Dan. Everyone didn't care about the result. They just enjoyed the competition.

Lin Shuhao and Li Shufu were the best opponents. They impved themselves by competing with each other. They should get the most warm applse.




2:对手机依赖,With the passage of time, mobile phones are becoming cheaper and cheaper. More and college students begin to use mobile phones. As a kind of communication media, mobile phones play an important le in college students.

Not only becse of its convenience, but also becse of its versatility, we can use it to replace the Internet. While using comrs, there are many practical functions that can us a lot, but there are some Some students are so addicted to mobile s and Internet that they forget their studies.




3:对手机依赖,As we all know, mobile phones and comrs play an important le in o daily life, but in my opinion, they have advantages and disadvantages. At present, many students in o class use mobile phones or comrs to keep in touch or search for the news or information they need. Generally speaking, with these tools, o life becomes convenient and fast.

But sometimes, these communication tools can also bng us some tubles. For example, someone's mobile phone ngs dung class, so at this moment, this student may have no intention If o teacher continues to teach now, this student may miss the teacher's words. It is suggested that o mobile phone should be tned off in class.

In order to make all students study hard and make pgress in their learning career, as far as I am concerned, we can either go out of the classom and answer the question Use it in o spare time, instead of playing comr s crazily, we can use it to do what we as students should do.



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