
发布时间:2023-07-02 11:46:04 阅读:64 点赞:0

关于”朋友话题“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Fend topic。以下是关于朋友话题中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fend topic

With the vigous dlopment of o country, and people are enjoying a hr life. Education has bught us a lot of presse. We built a big and betiful classom.

Many children can sit in the classom to learn, but there are still many children in poor areas who can't share happiness. They don't n have clothes, clean dnking water and other basic mateals. Health care is the social responsibility and pvides necessary education for poor children.

Pper education can change people's situation. If they have the necessary life skills, they will certainly contbute to the society, so please give them hope.





2:朋友话题,First of all, to make fends, you must be fendly to others, ile at others, and you will be rewarded with a ile. You should try to make a stranger feel at home, no matter who he is, not yoself, and nr judge a person by his appearance. Secondly, when you disagree, fends should negotiate rather than quarrel with someone.

Please have a final discussion with him. Don't trust those who leave you when you are in tuble, and don't leave yo fends when they are in tuble. Remember, a fend in need of is an independent fend.

As long as you can put the interests of fends in fnt of you, you will There are many good fends.






3:朋友话题,People make a lot of fends in their life, and the fends they make, the capable they are. Some young people are pud of having many fends, but only real fends are worthy of o concern. The people we make must face life positively.

They will set a good example for you and you to be a better person. Bad fends will make you abnormal. Especially for young people, they can't make correct judents and follow others easily.

Therefore, fends are him A very important part of o lives, once they css fends, they do bad things, so we don't need fends, just the ght one.



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