
发布时间:2024-04-10 11:53:25 阅读:15 点赞:0

关于”生追求名牌“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Students psue famous brands。以下是关于生追求名牌六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Students psue famous brands

The direction of College Students' psuit of famous brands: Nowadays many college students like to psue famous brands. How do you think of this phenomenon? To give you specific reasons, yo composition should be no less than words. With the pgress of society, how many college students start fm psuing famous brands.

I think it's not a good "I" and "too" behavior. No matter how old, the reason for frugality is that we should advocate not spending too much time psuing famous brands, which will affect their study, so college students do not I think it's good to follow the trend, but don't psue luxy too much.




2:学生追求名牌,Recently, the phenomenon of students chasing famous brands has become the focus of public attention. They always do anything to buy what they want. The reason for this pblem is not an easy thing.

To explain the reason of this phenomenon, it involves than one complex factor. There are o reasons. On the one hand, with the economic, social and people's living standards, it is difficult to explain this phenomenon In order to change this situation, I suggest that college students should cultivate positive values and treat things correctly.

Although brand is the best way to show o status, we should not blindly psue brand. Students should pay attention to study.




3:生追求名牌,People generally think that celebty life is very good, no wores and pblems, but it is easy to become famous. The biggest advantage of fame is that celebties are usually ch, so their lives are easier than others. They live in betiful houses maintained by housekeepers, gardeners, chefs and other servants who have to worry about paying bills, can afford the best clothes, and dve the la express, and importantly, they spend their holidays in expensive resorts, get the best hotel oms and the most efficient s.

Second, when you are famous, yo name is known to all. You are invited to attend The best party, and meet with other celebties, yo fans wte to you and tell you how much they adore you, but being recoized in the street can be irtating, celebties don't have pvacy, paparazzi always try to take pictes of them, people stop them in the street, ask for siate names and worry about yo own secity and yo family safety. A crazy fan may kidnap Or kill you or yo children, so it's necessary to hire bodyguards in general, and reputation may be good, but it's not easy to live a life with you that is ch but you're not safe.

You have fends and fans, but you'll nr be se if they like you becse of who you are or for yo money.



标签: 出国英文名  大企业英文名  女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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