
发布时间:2024-02-15 13:01:23 阅读:230 点赞:0

关于”守株待兔“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:wait ry day under the tree , in the hope that a hare would kill itself by crashing into a tree trunk。以下是关于守株待兔xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:wait ry day under the tree , in the hope that a hare would kill itself by crashing into a tree trunk

Once upon a time, he would like to see a rabbit lying by the tree trunk to work hard When he finally realized his stupidity and retned to his field, he found that his cps were dead. This story tells us that we should not rely on luck and luck to wait for unexpected gains, we should not expect that we can get rewards without hard work.




2:每天在树下等待,希望兔子会撞到树自杀,Sitting by the stump, waiting for a careless rabbit in the spng and Autumn peod (243 ; "There is no need to be so hard, waiting for a rabbit by the stump ry day". Fm then on, he gave up the land, sat beside the tree STUMPAND waited for a rabbit. Fm then on, he gave up the land, sat beside the tree STUMPAND waited for rabbit rabbits.

Fm then on, he gave up the land, sat beside the tree STUMPAND waited for rabbits. Fm then on, he gave up the land, sat beside the tree STUMPAND waited for rabbits. Fm then on, he gave up the land, sat on the tree stumpside and waited for rabbits.

Fm then on, he gave up the land, sat on the tree stumpside and waited for rabbits, waiting for rabbits. Fm then on, he gave up the land, sat beside the tree stump and waited for rabbits, and so he gave up the land, sat on the tree stumps and waited for rabbits, and so he gave up the land, sat on the tree come on, this idiom satizes those who just wait for good luck, but don't try to get what they need.


坐在树桩旁,等待着一只粗心兔子在春秋时期(公元前243; n qiūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūcūc,“用不着这么辛苦,每天都要在树桩旁等一只兔子”,从此他就放弃了种地,坐在树桩旁等兔子来了,这句成语讽刺了那些只等运气好,而不努力获得所需人。


3:守株待兔,Once upon a time, there was a farmer who worked hard in the field ry day. One day, when he was plowing, he heard a bumpy sound. He saw a rabbit lying by the tree trunk.

He picked it up and found it was a fat rabbit. He thought to himself, "it's so easy to get a rabbit. Why should I do this? He works hard all day, thwing away the hoe and lying next to the tree ry day When he finally realized his stupidity and retned to his field, he found that his cps were dead.

This story tells us that we should not only rely on luck and luck to wait for unexpected harvest, otherwise, we should not expect that there is no chance for hard work to be rewarded.



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