
发布时间:2024-03-03 09:53:45 阅读:41 点赞:0

关于”我对父母婚姻看法“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My views on parents' marage。以下是关于我对父母婚姻看法初二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My views on parents' marage

Intermarage will e many pblems in the family, bee the huand and wife have different family backgund, culte, customs and social class ll, which will pduce many differences. Religion may be a pblem. If o people's religious beliefs are different fm the other, it is a pblem, bee some religions celebrate certain festivals, while others are not in Chstianity.

For example, Chstians celebrate Chstmas, while Buddhists have no eating habits. This may also be a pblem. One may eat some food, the other may not eat or like it.

After all, their offspng will also encounter pblems, bee mixed race children are not in certain areas of a community, and they often find it difficult to adapt to alien marage. This is not a good idea, but you can still marry someone different fm you. My view on marage is very important for ryone's life.

Both of them need to be fully prepared psychologically and mateally. After all, marage is one At the beginning of a new life, many things can't be as free as before marage. Then, the choice will condense some factors.

It's easy to get mared and easy to divorce. You must be careful. Marage means that you choose to take care of yo parents, children, wife and wife.

More and fm now on, you not only think that you have to take the responsibility of this family, especially the huand and wife's Relationship will directly affect the harmony of yo family. Some researchers say that true love may only last for three years, and family love will last for so many years. Bee this feeling is based on the sense of responsibility and emotion, in modern times, many people have less and less sense of responsibility, but prefer to enjoy.

The pportion of divorce has increased siificantly. In fact, both huand and wife must learn to share responsibility and work hard to learn fm you The way you treat yo loved ones, especially in housework.




2:我对父母婚姻看法,The word "love" is used to descbe it. Despite all kinds of resistance, frustration, persrance and loyalty, the most important thing is that you and yo wife / huand love each other, whether international. But now, for someone, the ppose of their marage is not love, but when they move to a country they think is better, they disappear into this kind of marage.

I stngly oppose it This is cheating, not only the government, but also the love of yo girlfend / boyfend, but if you really fall in love with yo girlfend / boyfend, I will agree with you and I will hold her hand with you forr.




3:我对父母婚姻看法,If yo child always quarrels with you, don't worry - it may be good for her in the long run. Researchers have found that agers who stick to their point of view rather than succumb quickly to their mothers are less likely to be pressed by their fends to dnk and use drugs, according to a new report in the Jonal of child dlopment. Although it is challenging to discuss sensitive topi calmly, moderate giving and giving can pvide agers with the jobs they need to reli peer presse In the first three years of the study, researchers conducted o expements on adolescents and their mothers.

The first was when they were recorded with their mothers in a separate om Asked to try to come up with a topic that they had been arguing about, the researchers rated the agers and their mothers, and their mother's interaction, if the conversation was calm and polite, both had good grades; if the children gave up quickly, they would keep good grades within the prescbed time; if the mother and the child were arguing, the children would shnk back, and they would be very happy Easy to yield, then the score is very low. This is a si that agers can't insist on tonomy. In the second expement, the children were asked to raise topi they needed to , fm school pblems to fends' tubles.

The second expement, Chang said, was to see when children came back a year later to fill out drug and alcohol use questionnaires Whether their mothers support them or not, the children fill in the questionnaire again. The results show that agers who can stick to their own views when discussing issues with their mothers are better able to resist peer presse on drug and alcohol use, while those who seem to be best ptected are those who are able to debate sensitive topi such as scores and family rules, Another important factor in fends and money is having a supportive mother. The researchers found that researchers did not study fathers, but expected to see the same effect.





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