
发布时间:2024-04-14 19:33:19 阅读:13 点赞:0

关于”你最喜欢家乡季节“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:What season do you like best in yo hometown。以下是关于你最喜欢家乡季节初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What season do you like best in yo hometown

Autumn in the countryside is getting colder and colder. The sun is no longer so stng, and the cicadas' chirping stops. The hot summer is finally over.

The favote season of the year is coming. There are abundant harvest scenes rywhere: the fields are golden ce, the trees are beang mate fruits, and the farmers' faces are full of iles. They are looking forward to a good harvest fm their hard work in summer.

Autumn ning is particularly betiful, the setting sun slowly sets in the west, the mountain sky is full of sunset red light, it s on the blue sky and floating clouds, like maple leaves falling in the sky, the dusk becomes cool, the wind blows, the moonlight s on the gund, fgs cak, insects chirp in the field, such a situation will make you forget all the unpleasant things in the day, I love this betiful The season of.




2:你家乡最喜欢什么季节,There are fo seasons in a year. My favote season is spng. The sun is red.

The sky is blue. The clouds are white. The trees tn green in spng.

There are flowers rywhere. Birds come back fm the South and sing all day long. Everything comes back to life again.

The mountains tn green and the water tns green. The children fly kites happily. This is a betiful season.




3:你最喜欢家乡季节,Spng: Yes, in the first season of the year, the fields tn green. Gss: the best time is the spng of the year. "We have to do rything we can.

Summer: summer is the season of stren. Everything is full of power. The venues are very pspeus.

We can do a lot of sports, such as swimming. Autumn: does gold in this season represent gold? Harvest all farmers are happy becse of their efforts. In this season, all people are wealth in this season.

They can reserve their goods for winter. This season is cold season. Many animals sleep in their nests The fields will be covered with thick snow.

Sometimes we can see some children playing with them. They will build Snowman trees and other plants. Many people don't like this season, but I like it.

I think snow will kill many pests and ptect o fields and all the creates on the earth: the suitable "next year's heavy snow and bumper harvest" winter is coming, and spng is not far away fm us.



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