
发布时间:2022-12-21 01:37:33 阅读:117 点赞:0

关于”环境问题“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Envinmental pblems in China。以下是关于环境问题六级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Envinmental pblems in China

No matter where you are today, you will hear or see something to remind you that if someone on o planet has bought a graveyard and wte his last will and will, then the health of o planet is declining. Although this sounds frustrating, we can't but know what each of us can do to slow down and rrse some of the damage. We can't put the pblem to rest To ptect the envinment, we must first strenen the food chain.

When pioneers start shooting rything, the balance beeen predators and prey is disrupted, for example, by reintducing the deer's natal predator wolf. In order to stabilize ger on earth, we need to farm for the people of the world, not for ryone It's cultivated in five countes. We must also cultivate land that is suitable for cultivation, rather than destying the forest to pduce food for sral years, destying the land.

Finally, we have to ration global agcultal pducts, not to save the world. We need to stabilize and reduce the population and reshape it without polluting the existing envinment.




2:环境问题,Envinmental ptection, as you know, there is not enough clean water for people to dnk, so many people have lost their lives becse of water, so we pollute the land, vers and air, so we have to face and floods and dughts. It is time for us to do something beneficial to ptect o envinment. We can plant trees and take good care of them.

We can save water and ask o parents to do so. We can't thw any garbage on the gund. If we take good care of it, we should collect them and recycle them.

O earth today will be betiful tomorw.




3:环境问题,Pollution: and attention has been paid in China. According to reports,

10 big cities in China are listed as the top

20 cities with the highest pollution index in the world, which means that we should take meases to contl the situation. Many factors are aggravating the situation: industal waste is in the air, lakes and vers, and cars are cwded on the streets, and plastic bags are widely used.

In my opinion, stngent laws and regulations must be implemented to check the polluting industry. The unthozed discharge of waste should be heavily punished. Cars should be equipped with facilities to minimize their exhst gas.

Emissions into the air are phibited. Plastic bags and disposable lunch boxes are phibited. If ryone works towards the common goal of impving the envinment, the media should play an important le in instilling envinmental awareness into people We can a cleaner and lovely world for us and the next generation.



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