
发布时间:2023-03-30 11:01:59 阅读:99 点赞:0

关于”描写郑容和“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Descbe Zheng Ronghe。以下是关于描写郑容和初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Descbe Zheng Ronghe

My favote season Hello, my dear fends, my favote season is spng. Spng is a lovely season. I think there is a garden behind my house in spng.

The trees tn green and the flowers give off fragrance. There are many butterflies and bees on the flowers. Butterflies are dancing and bees are singing.

Sometimes it rains and it's usually quiet. Rain moistens trees and flowers. I think they might say they're thirsty.

The rain is good. What kind of fragrance can it bng us? Think about yo favote season, can you tell me.






2:请描述郑荣和,It is rainy in spng and hot in summer. Autumn is the best season of the year. It's cool and busy.

It's cold and snowy in winter. This is an oil painting depicting spng scenery. Tousts are attracted by the betiful scenery, and stng technical skills enhance a betiful landscape, compang traditional and modern architectal styles.

This remarkable nate reserve pvides shelter for virgin forests, the world's largest population of bwn bears, a sizeable wolf pack, and a host of other creates that are almost extinct. The stream is like a blue bbon aund the vast green . The distant place is in shape, with harmonious colors.

It is a betiful and moving ancient windmill. The wind leaves of the windmill are like open wings, spinning in the wind, forming a unique landscape with green grass and wild flowers. This fairy tale world adds a mysteous color.





3:描写郑容和,If life is a blank piece of paper, waiting for us to descbe his struggle with blood and tears and the track of hard struggle, then life is a pencil. It always uses its own thin body, flows out the bottom of the pen on the white powder, and talks about life without any reason. Becse the pen and brush can be used many times, as long as the ink is ed, he can use it many times We can wte pencils for a long time.

It's like a day's rest fm o side. Fm now on, we must chesh o life time. We should pay attention to the fact that pencil is used by and people.

And pencil, which often bngs forest breath, is like a slender tree. Therefore, the clear stream dd a light csp, fm the pencil knife While spitting out all pieces of sawdust, very like leaves, clear shumanjuan like waves, betiful lace dotted with life, like a pencil, always give you a lot of betiful and pfound re, life is a pencil, which also means that in life, if there are too many words wtten for some reason, or n make mistakes, you can gently wipe it with a sensory eraser, and then wipe it again It's not terble to wte down one's mistakes after one's new life. What's terble is that you don't want to face it and correct it.

Yo life is a pencil. Whether it's for yoself or for others, you can sketch or sketch leisely and seously. You can wte yo hard work with free and easy stkes in fnt of the hot life Use it to wte yo dedication to the cold world.

Life is a pencil. You can use it to desi a bluepnt for yo fute when you are full of joy and desire. You can also use light and hard characters to make fine lines.

With yo stng and ch life, you can outline a lively life picte. It gives us such a powerful man inspiration, and we should like it, Always erect the waist shaft.



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