
发布时间:2024-01-23 01:27:55 阅读:33 点赞:0

关于”美好家乡变化“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Changes in a betiful hometown。以下是关于美好家乡变化高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Changes in a betiful hometown

Winter vacation life is always exciting, in the winter vacation, I learned a lot, saw a lot, also felt a lot, the most amazing thing is that the home changes so fast, fm black and white TV to color TV, fm mobile phone to mobile phone, fm all to all, fm lack of housing to tall, luxy villa housing expeenced a huge list, in the previous home changes really fast, home The house is very old, rywhere is dilapidated, and n moss gws out in some corners, moldy in the heavy rain, the house in the community, put on the suitle of the next rain, so now the house is really good to live in, the family om is very solid, well-equipped, equipment first in, and some n no manual operation, and along the ad se of high-se buildings, used to be at home His mother said that when there was a stone chicken far away fm home, school to school had to walk for a long time. The situation of ding a bicycle to school had been very bad, but there was also a long time. In the past, if it rained and the gund was unn, when going to school, the water splashed all the clothes on the mud.

If it was dirty in summer, it would be a big schoolbag I went back to school. My clothes must be all wet. I can squeeze water fm it.

Now, I have a new high-tech car at home. In this way, no matter how long the joney is, it doesn't need the muscles on its legs. I don't have to worry about the changes that happened at home before.

Really fast, the clothes are always bken and mended, and now they are mended. Everyone buys a suit of clothes The bitter things are all planted by oselves. We can eat them when they are mate.

The change of eating on the table is really fast. I beli that in the near fute, we will use o hands to better and advanced equipment, so that people can really live a comfortable life. Let's work hard for the fute.




2:美丽家乡变化,My hometown is Yongfu County, which is the famous "Fushou town" in China. Before, o county was the most backward county in all aspects. Most people lived at a very low ll.

The houses on both sides of the streets of the county were low and dilapidated. Since the reform and opening up, especially in recent years, the ads are narw and rugged. Earth shaking changes have taken place in o county.

Look at the lush oanthus trees in that street Ah, when it comes to the blooming season, bsts of fragrance come to o faces, people relaxed and happy. We have cleaned the bad streets, betiful and tidy buildings, newly built betiful residents, and reconstructed new look schools, where s and children can relax and play. For example, Xijiang Guangsi in Phoenix Square has added a betiful natal envinment aund the town The new air makes and birthday stars who have been blessed.

Every morning when you raise chickens in the square, you can see the old people who are fighting for spitual longevity doing Taijiquan, some practicing sword and dancing, and the eternal blessing people doing a MaDepu ampulla exercise. Their faces are filled with joy. Yes, they have time to gw old now.

You will know why my hometown has such a feate More centenaans. This is my home now.



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