
发布时间:2023-12-04 13:02:45 阅读:504 点赞:0

关于”你用什么交通工具上学“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:What kind of transportation do you use to go to school。以下是关于你用什么交通工具上学xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What kind of transportation do you use to go to school

If I go on a tp, I will de a bike, becse cycling saves money and electcity and avoids air pollution. Moreover, it has low cost and requires less . I think cycling can exercise o body, and dving cars saves time than ding bicycles.

But its cost is very high, it will cse air pollution, and it needs , so I think cycling is a better way to travel. If you have the opportunity to travel, choose to de a bicycle.




2:你用什么交通工具上学,I like to go to school by bike. You know, o life is very busy. I can't do anything without going to school or doing homework.

My favote time is on the way to school or home, which is very dangeus, but I can see the sky, can see the people walking on the ad, I can listen to music such as MP3, ding a bike to school can save my study time, if I walk to school, it will take a lot of time, therefore, based on the above reasons, I like to go to school by bike.




3:你用什么交通工具上学,(how do students get to school) in o school, different students have different means of transportation. Most students go to school by bike. I think this is the busiest means of transportation.

Many students talk about walking to school, which is also good for o health. Some students take public buses, others go to school by subway, and some students go to school by taxi. My home is

2 So my mother bought me a bike.

I went to school by bike ry day. I feel very happy.



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