
发布时间:2023-07-18 03:25:57 阅读:61 点赞:0

关于”金钱买不到成“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Money can't buy success。以下是关于金钱买不到成xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Money can't buy success

Money and happiness are very important in o hearts, but some people think that money is omnipotent, and others think that it is worth paying all the costs while psuing happiness. Please take a look at my point of view. Money can buy medicine, but not health money can buy a clock, but time money can't buy books.

But it's not knowledge. Money can buy gifts, but it's not fends. Money can buy toys, It's not that happy money can buy glasses, but can't buy vision, money can buy insance, but can't be safe.

Money can buy cards, but can't be fendly. See the above point of view. If you still have some dous, let's see what happened to us.

A man spent millions of yuan to buy an insance for himself. Then he had a five-year car accident, three times although each injy insance The insance company will use this money to compensate him, but no one can bear the pain of suffeng for him. What's , he is also the mother who died in an accident for the last time.

Becse the child is short-sighted, he spent yuan to wear a pair of glasses for the child. Who knows that when she took the child to see the vision again a year later, she was shocked, and the child's eyesight plummeted, and the former glasses No use of the above o examples have pved that money is not rything. I hope people can realize this as soon as possible, and we have embarked on a long joney of happiness.




2:金钱买不到成,The success of marage, there is a saying: "marage is the grave of love". To some extent, this is reasonable, becse love is mantic in most cases, and lovers only see the bght side of each other, but marage involves vulgar things in daily life. You will not only find the bght side of him or her, but sometimes you will not want to find him Or she offends you, so mutual understanding is very important to maintain a good marage.



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