
发布时间:2023-11-22 07:16:04 阅读:76 点赞:0

关于”会讲话垃圾桶“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Talking trash can。以下是关于会讲话垃圾桶专八英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Talking trash can

This pduct adopts miccomr induction technolo. When the object is close to the top sensor, the upper cover is opened and closed tomatically. It is safe, , convenient, hygienic, free of bacteal contact and health hazard.

It meets the modern needs and bngs a sacred era for families and hotels. For businesses and other large public places, this pduct uses ABS reinforced plastic and stainless steel to make it innovative Italian, fashionable and dable feates.




2:会说话垃圾桶,O eyes can convey a lot of meaning clearly, so people often say that the eyes can speak. Do you have this expeence on the bus? You may look at a stranger, but not too long, and if he feels someone stang at him, he may feel uncomfortable. Similarly, in daily life, if you are being watched, you will look up and down at yoself to see if there is anything wng with you.

If there is nothing wng, you will be angry that others are stang at you. If a man stares at a woman for than a few seconds and refuses to divert his attention, his intention is obvious, that is to say, He wanted to attract her attention and make her understand that he appreciated her. Howr, when he is stang at the opposite , things are different.

The normal eye contact when o people are talking is that the speaker will only look at the listener fm time to time to ense that the listener does notice what the former is saying and tell him that if the speaker keeps looking at you as if he is trying to dominate you, then he is very focused and you will feel uneasy about a poor lie People usually expose themselves by stang at the victim for too long, becse he belis that looking directly into the other person's eyes is a si of honest communication. On the contrary, continuous eye contact is limited to lovers. They will like to look at each other's feelings that cannot be expressed by words for a long time.

Eye contact should be conducted according to the relationship beeen the o people and the specific situation.





3:会讲话垃圾桶,We all see that the envinment is polluted by a lot of garbage. Some people thw their daily garbage into the ver or the street at will, which is one of the reasons for envinmental pollution. Therefore, in daily life, I will consciously put the garbage into the garbage can to reduce pollution.



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