
发布时间:2023-06-16 03:39:35 阅读:107 点赞:0

关于”我家乡演讲“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My hometown speech。以下是关于我家乡演讲初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My hometown speech

Huaian, my hometown, is not only the city where I was born, but also the only place I couldn't leave many years ago. I moved fm here to another city and started my college life. On the day I left Huai'an, I felt like a fish out of the water.

Huai'an is the only place where I walked thugh a campus and imagined my fute son or dghter playing baseball. I loved this city She is all and quiet. I can have a sense of secity.

When my mother holds me in her arms, I love this city. She is very betiful and lovely. You can see flowers and trees rywhere.

The shops are full of all kinds of goods. When you walk on the street, you can feel the breeze blowing on yo face and breathing fresh air. I love this city.

The climate here is very warm and suitable for people to live in Sitting with the people I love in Huaian, sitting with the people I love, I chat with their family fends, dnk and eat the seafood ch in the city. When I was a child, I loved the sunse in Huai'an. My parents and I often climb up the mountain to watch the sunse in the morning.

At this time, the sun ses, the breeze bngs us flowers, and the golden sun makes o hair My heart will be full of hope and happiness. Maybe one day I will leave this city, but no matter where I go, I will nr forget this city, its people, its trees and its sunse. Yes, rything it gives me can be given by other places, but my love will not change bee it is my hometown.




2:我家乡演讲,My hometown is Lhasa, the largest city on the of of the world. It is the heart and soul of Tibet. I think Lhasa is one of the most betiful cities in the world.

It is sunded by high mountains. There is seldom a day when you can't see the dark blue Lhasa River flowing quietly nd the city. Lhasa is a mixte of tradition and fashion.

First of all, Lhasa has a long history and is the politi, culte and economy of Tibet In the center, there are many famous scenic spots. Potala Palace is the most famous, maificent and wonderful place. I think it is the unique artistic achiment of Tibetan people.

Similarly, the buildings, sculptes and paintings in the City show the industousness, wisdom and bravery of o people. Secondly, under the guidance of China's reform and opening up policy, Lhasa has undergone many changes and many new things appear here It has changed the appearance of the city. New and old buildings go hand in hand.

Schools and ads have been repaired. The Qinghai Tibet railway to Lhasa is under construction. Many shopping malls have been opened.

Modern technologies such as telecommunications are spreading. The whole city looks very pspeus. O Tibetan people will take on a new look ry festival.

People can walk freely on the new, bad and ooth ads Weang betiful traditional clothes, I was looking forward to a festival called schotton in June. At this time, my family and I gathered for a picnic in the famous garden of nobnka. We sang Tibetan songs, danced Guozhuang on the grass, ate Zanba, drank butter tea, highland barley beer on the betiful carpet, and we enjoyed o life.

I think this festival shows the Tibetan people's happiness Lang's optimistic personality finally, I love my hometown, I love the people of my hometown thank you tashidler.






3:我家乡演讲,My hometown, a village located on the edge of a ver, bee of the poor geographical envinment, no asphalt ad, betiful sunding scenery, the whole village is very poor, people's life is generally hard, people gw ce and other cps for a living, most of the young people work in the city,: wwwadreepcn / CZ / HTML LCL.



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