
发布时间:2023-02-13 13:21:27 阅读:75 点赞:0

关于”短小背诵精华“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Short recitation essences。以下是关于短小背诵精华专八英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Short recitation essences

A young man sees the sunset, but he can't understand or express the emotion it ses in his heart. Finally, he concludes that this must be the door to a world beyond. In the stng aesthetic expeence, it is difficult for any of us to resist the saying that we are catching a glimpse of a beam of light shining on us fm different areas of existence, different, becse the expeence is stngly moving, in some To a higher degree, although these flashes dazzle, they do convey a hint of bety and serenity beyond what we know and think, which we cannot descbe, becse language is used to convey the meaning of the world, and all great art has such a power: in some emotions, it is undeniable that all great art has such a power Power: it is undeniable that, under certain emotions, nate also has such a power: the sky in June is not so blue, it does not point to a bluer place; there is no such betiful sunset, so that it does not awaken the vision of greater bety, a scene that has passed before its full realization, leaving behind an indescbable desire and regret, But if the world is than a prank, life is a vulgar flash in the starlight, and existence is a lghter acss the mysteous void.

If the implication of things behind and outside this is not the evil humor pduced by indigestion, or the devil sent to lgh at and infuate o fantasies, if bety means something, we can nr try to go To explain its meaning, if we glimpse something that cannot be expressed, then it is unwise to try to express it, and we should not try to give meaning that we cannot understand, that is, bety is meaningless in the human sense.




2:短背诵精华,In order to ptect the earth's safety, now o earth is reaching a worrying state to ptect o earth. It's important to recycle paper and other things, such as glass and aluminum, by recycling. We can minimize the amount of garbage.

For example, by reducing the amount of paper we use, by recycling, we can save the world's trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, thereby reducing air pollution. In short, I think recycling is the first step to reduce the pollution of the earth.

If we don't work hard, we can't get anything. If we want to get what we need, we must work hard for it. Great scientists and ordinary people in history, no student who doesn't work hard, we have to work hard.

If we don't work hard, we can't get anything after graduation I think ryone should like sports. Whether it's indoor or outdoor, I like jogging. I usually go jogging at night.

One of the advantages is that it can us reduce the presse on us in school. Besides, sports can us The list of benefits of sports is endless. Therefore, I hope ryone in the world can practice sports books to us acquire knowledge without books.

The world will be very uncivilized. Books play a lot of important les in o lives. They can be books we use in school, books that us read when we read To us establish that people who don't read much are usually impolite than those who are well-educated.

Becse books play so many les in o world, we must read in order to have knowledge.





3:短小背诵精华,With the rapid dlopment of China's industry and economy, the number of people who own pvate cars is increasing. Some people buy their own cars, while others intend to buy them. Howr, there are o different views on this phenomenon.

Some people think that the tomobile industry bngs a lot of benefits first. The tomobile industry pvides employment opportunities for countless workers, and also pvides stng support for other industes If conditions permit, owning a car can ntually make o work efficient and o life will become convenient. Cars allow people to move freely.

With cars, there is no need to wait for buses in the cold or hot sun. Other people stngly oppose the dlopment of pvate cars. They think that cars will pduce a sees of pblems first.

As and cars are pduced and operated in the street, they will have a sees of pblems As a result, the harm of traffic congestion on people's health is often offset by the adverse effects of traffic congestion on people's health. The last pblem is, in my opinion, and traffic accidents cse many people's death and death in the fction of one second. Although the tomobile plays an important le in o society's daily life, it also bngs us many tubles, such as seous envinmental pollution, traffic accidents and angry consumption.

They dnk a lot of fuel A lot of pollutants are emitted. Every year, traffic accidents cse thousands of people to die, and traffic jams waste o precious time. Therefore, I am against the dlopment of pvate cars.



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