
发布时间:2024-01-21 17:58:02 阅读:172 点赞:0

关于”长跑比赛“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Long distance race。以下是关于长跑比赛xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Long distance race

This view holds that the new carbon dioxide emitted by plants will replace the old ones after a night's work. Therefore, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the forest is relatively high, and there are some dust floating in the air, which is not conducive to human health. In addition, a person's blood presse is relatively high in the morning, which is easy to have pblems.

Exercise in the morning mainly depends on the ppose of exercise, if it is to lose weight and increase exercise The memory of motor skills: when a person wakes up in the morning in the morning, he almost consumes ener when he has dinner last night. This meal is not the time for exercise. It will lead to fat "bning", becse there is no ener in the morning.

Liver glycogen is a part of liver glycogen. When the concentration of these glycogen is reduced to a certain extent, the "bning" of fat will become the leading ener supply In addition, people in the morning, aebic exercise, learning to dance, learning Taijiquan, what skills are easier to than any other science at any time. Therefore, morning exercise is beneficial to health.

In a sense, the ancients paid attention to "dance", and fitness was generally selected in the morning, As for the carbon dioxide in the air in the morning, the pollution is seous, isn't it? The main reason is that the tomobile exhst pollution is very seous, which will discharge lead, heavy metals and chemical wastes, such as benzene. The blood presse in the morning is high, so you can use drugs to regulate. When the best exercise is not absolute, but it should also vary fm person to person.

Maybe you think that you are active in the morning, you'd better exercise in the morning, but If you want to, you have a whole day's work to do, you also need to use ener to deal with the day's affairs, but inically, one of the biggest advantages of morning exercise over afternoon exercise is that it's easy to stick to it, becse when there is no schedule conflict, they are not distracted by other things, and persistence is a very important factor in exercise.





2:长跑,My favote sport is running, so my favote athlete is Liu Xiang. He runs very fast. He is the champion of Athens Olympic Games.

He is injed and he lost the race. But he is still the best runner in my heart. Now, I run ry day.

Running is good for agers. Running ry day can make o body stng, and we are not easy to get sick.




3:长跑比赛,The long-distance race is a national fitness pgram lnched by the state. One of its advantages is that it will not be in addition to any other sports equipment, as long as you want to go anywhere. In addition, this exercise can keep fit, and it can give you a healthy body (of cose, it does not mean that you are se that sports will be healthy, but compared with those who exercise less, including Yo cardiopulmonary function, yo lung capacity, and yo overall physical fitness at that time, long-distance running is a person who needs persrance, who can stand long-term long-distance running and exercise yo willpower.



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