
发布时间:2023-12-20 18:14:35 阅读:36 点赞:0

关于”世界上最想去旅游景点“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The most wanted toist attractions in the world。以下是关于世界上最想去旅游景点托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most wanted toist attractions in the world

O neighbors used to be quiet. Recently, something strange happened to o neighbors, and ryone was very unhappy. When a local newspaper interviewed a local teacher, he said: "ry night we hear strange sounds outside the window.

My wife thinks it may be an animal, but my fends and I think it must be a young man who asked my parents to call the police, but they can't find anything strange. They think it may be the wind. I don't think so." what is it.




2:世界上最受欢迎旅游景点,Pe, bght, the bety of o hearts aused in o youth, the impulse of silent prayer, the dream of love and truth, the desire to lose something, the longing of the soul, the cry, the psuit of better hope, which will nr die, and the timid hand reaches out to a bther with a kind word in the dark time of gef, which pves indeed The voice of a fend's gentle plea for mercy as justice appaches the sorw of remorse - these things will nr die, let it all pass, for ryone must find work to do, and do not miss an opportunity to awaken love - be firm, just and true, such an indelible light s on you fm above, and the voice of an angel says to you - These things will nr die.




3:世界上最想去旅游景点,The shoemaker and banker lafontane / shoemaker sings fm morning till night. It's great to hear him. He was content in scester.

He was one of the Sn Sages' neighbors. He lled in ch places, but seldom slept. By chance, he took a nap at dawn, and the shoemaker woke him up with a song.

The banker complained bitterly that God had not tned sleep into a able food or dnk like a commodity, and finally sent for the song. He said to him, "how much do you make a year, Master Gregory." "how much a year, sir?" The shoemaker said with a ile, "I've been living like this all the time, and ry day I'll bng its food to the end of the year." "so how much do you make a day for my fends?" "sometimes it's worse, but the worst thing is, without such a life, o income would be considerable. In the year when we were banned fm working, the cator kept adding new saints to the list“ The bank boss simply said, "in the fute, I will put you on top of Wanda, take care of the 100 knor, and use them when necessary." The shoemaker imagined that he had seen all the saints in the past centy.

The earth had d wealth for the retn of . He bied his money and happiness in the gund. He lost his voice fm the moment he got to the ot of so much pain.

He left his home, wored and false alarms in his eyes, and he walked in the direction of the trease, and in the ning, if a stray cat made a noise, and the cat was bbing him, the poor man ran to his ch neighbor's house, "give me my back." he said, "sleep, my voice, take away yo dred cwns.".





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