
发布时间:2023-04-13 00:52:50 阅读:78 点赞:0

关于”写故宫“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Wte about the Forbidden City。以下是关于写故宫初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte about the Forbidden City

The city of fubiden is one of the most famous places of interest in China. It has a gloous history since the Ming Dynasty, and has been rebuilt and repaired many times. Last summer vacation, I was very happy to go in with my family fm the fnt door to visit.

There were many palaces. The guide told us that almost all the oms in the palace museum had different uses. The emper could not leave the city becse of him You can do anything in it, including work, study, play, sleep or travel nd.

I'm really spsed that the workers can build it so well. Even though I don't remember the names of all the buildings today, I took dreds of betiful photos on the ad. I don't think I will forget my tp in Beijing.

I hope I can bng my best fend here next time iendshttp://zhidaobaiducom/question/htmlan=0&si=1 Leshan Giant Buddha Large Buddha statue of China, up to m, head m, shoulder M. The Buddha's ears are meters long, the instep is meters wide, and you can have a picnic on yo big toe nails. This is a carving pject led by a monk named Haitong.

Who hopes the Buddha's appearance can calm down the torrent and ptect the website of the blog http://zhidaobaiducom/question/htmlan=0&si=1.




2:写关于紫禁城文章,The Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, was built in, and took

14 years to build. There are oms in all palaces in China. Now, the number nine is traditionally a lucky number.

Chinese students visit the Palace Museum for free ry Tuesday, which has many years of history.




3:写故宫,Winter is the coldest season of the year in some parts of the northern and southern hemisphere. This season is charactezed by snowfall and sre cold, which is usually exacerbated by stng winds. The season, which usually lasts about three months, is due to the fact that the areas affected by winter are farthest fm the sun in the earth's orbit.

Dung this peod, most schools will rest, while office business will slow down, and the time will be rearranged according to the seasons, with short days and longer nights, which will generally be rrsed slowly as the season goes on - winter morning When the sun comes out late, when the weather is not hot, people rarely go outside. Until the day, most people sit indoors by the fireside, and ryone can see the essence of the winter weather report. This is supposed to be important, becse the information they pvide may be the difference beeen weang pper ptective clothing and freezing to death, knowing whether the ad is navigable tomorw morning, or If the night snowstorm cancels their appointment, most people wake up in the winter morning and shovel the snow off the ad in some particularly seous cases.

The snow and stng wind block the ad, and n freeze the ver for sral days. People wear thick clothes in winter to keep warm. Over the years, winter clothes have evolved into today's style and desi, It's a far cry fm the ragged skins that early humans in these areas used to ptect themselves fm the same bad weather.



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