
发布时间:2023-04-27 03:34:18 阅读:159 点赞:0

关于”花钱保护动物“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Spend money to ptect animals。以下是关于花钱保护动物托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Spend money to ptect animals

Children, you must know that little tadpoles gw up and become little fgs. Fgs can eat insects. So fgs are good fends of human beings.

We should ptect them and not ht them. But some hotels also sell fg meat. The waiter who took me to dinner with my father and his fends said, "look, this is a new special dish lnched by o store, "What's a chicken?" I asked cuously, "chicken is a fg." the waiter said with a ile, I was very angry becse they had ht o good fend Rogge.

One day, he was very inspired. When I came to school, I saw a man in the chicken shop at the school gate. I would pity them becse the chicks came into the world, We must be far away fm the mother, fm the maternal love and the warm embrace of the mother, and this is when they are facing the danger of starvation and freezing to death.

I think: we human beings are so happy, when you see here, do you see NIMA, o fend who ptects o human beings.




2:花钱保护动物,As we all know, the wanton slghter of wild animals has reduced the number of endangered species, and and species are on the verge of extinction ry year. It's terble to think that maificent animals are being sacficed by human vanity. Now there are laws phibiting the import of rare animals.

We must stctly enforce these laws. Those who violate these laws must be srely punished. In addition, we must inform the public of the natal wealth that we will lose.

If we do not take immediate action, we will depve us of o most precious hetage in Taiwan, becse most people do not understand the importance of wild animals, the condition of wild animals is very poor, we Chinese people like to eat any delicious food, so there are many animals killed by ters and people like to eat tigers We often see that they are sold in the . How poor they are and how cruel we are. We should do rything possible to ptect wild animals.

No one is allowed to harm any wild animals. The relevant departments should punish those who t and kill any wild animals We should pay attention to those endangered species and ptect them fm being eaten. If we can, nate will become very betiful.




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