
发布时间:2023-01-10 15:29:27 阅读:81 点赞:0

关于”下册季节“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Volume II season。以下是关于下册季节初二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Volume II season

Spng flowers bloom, the earth is fresh and green, flowers like a fragile little pncess, they sometimes bloom, some bud, the sun s in the sky, students have to play basketball on the playgund, some play s under the tree, some are playing bton, bton suddenly ran to one side, rushed to the other side, dazzling, there is football in the tumn, the whole campus Tned into a golden ocean, leaves flying in the campus, grass and flowers of the leaves also gradually tned yellow, students also gradually thick clothes, class, the whole campus is quiet, can only hear the sound of the wind and the catchy sound of winter bean trees, winter grandfather quietly came, we should have put on cotton padded jacket, put on hat, grass is put on the pe to make cotton padded jacket Grass and flowers are not ready for winter, so "cold" is the fo seasons in o eyes.




2:第二卷第四季,My best fend is Xiao Li, but we had a fight at school last week. She didn't talk to me. When she asked me if I could copy my homework, she asked why she did it.

She said she forgot to do her job. I said I didn't think it was a good idea. She said it would dlop a child's habit and she should do it herself.

He was angry with me and said she didn't want to be my best fend any . I said it's OK. I beli she will overcome it.

Yesterday she told me she was sorry. If she said she did it herself, it would be better.





3:下册季节,English is very important in modern society. English is spoken all over the world. But some students don't learn English well, so they want to give up English.

I suggest you don't give up English becse English is used as the first or second language in many countes. Most business letters are wtten in English, which is very ful for yo fute work. If you don't understand English, you will fall behind others in the fute How can you learn English well first? You should stick to the fact that English is really difficult for us sometimes.

But if you have a good learning method, I think you will be very good. English listening and speaking is the most difficult time for almost ry beginner. It seems impossible to learn English.

But I think if you practice , you will impve. You should speak and listen . You'd better speak English with yo clasates as much as possible, not only in class, but also after class.

I suggest you buy a radio so that you can listen to some English pgrams on the radio, and then you can travel nd the English world. If you do this, you can learn English easily, and you will like English very much. I hope you can all learn English step by step.




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