
发布时间:2024-04-13 07:29:59 阅读:4 点赞:0

关于”人格“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Human character。以下是关于人格考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Human character

Honesty is worth it. It is undeniable that in o society, dishonesty has bught us great harm in many aspects, and now it has sed public concern. For example, many doctors sell unnecessary but expensive drugs to patients in order to get money, many people buy fake certificates in order to get better jobs, some students cheat in exams, and n famous stars like Ouyang San, once considered the king of Chinese films, cheated the government on income tax.

It is well known that honesty benefits the people concerned, and at the same time, a sense of honesty is built up in other people's hearts, which in tn will win you true fendship, but it is likely to be unknown that, although dishonesty is widespread, we should take firm meases to end this unhealthy trend and make the world a better place.





2:人品,Diversity of personality there are all kinds of people in the world, but ryone has his own personality, so there is also diversity of personality. For example, some people are very happy no matter what happens. They are geneus and ful.

They are welcome wherr they go, becse they may bng happiness to others. Another kind of people are not liked and they are soft Weak, easy to be disappointed when in tuble, they are easy to be ht by other people's words, and they often offend other people's feelings with strange personalities. Even if the air becomes unpleasant, we all live in the same sky and under the same sun.

We all hope that there will be fendship and iles beeen us, so that o character can be impved and o life can be impved Life becomes enjoyable.




3:人格,Diversity of personality there are all kinds of people in the world, but ryone has his own personality, so the personality is also different. For example, some people are always happy no matter what happens. They are geneus and ful.

They are welcome wherr they go, becse they can bng happiness to others. People are a kind of nuisance. They are weak in character and easy to be disappointed when in tuble.

They are easy to be ht by other people's words. They are often angry with other people's feelings becse of their eccentc character, no matter where they appear, n if the air changes We all live in the same sky and under the same sun. We all hope that there will be fendship and iles beeen us.

So let's impve o character, so o life will become happy.



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