
发布时间:2023-04-02 08:34:03 阅读:83 点赞:0

关于”自信人题目“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Confident people。以下是关于自信人题目中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Confident people

Lack of self-confidence, such as lost sheep, like a bken mast, lost and less people lack confidence, such as a bken wing bird, like a bken line of kite, disaster came to me, too many, until the emergence of the tree, let me once again find self-confidence, into the door of junior high school, school work increased the presse of learning, the exam failed again, put my heart into a cold The rest of the confidence in the icehouse was blown away by the howling wind. The head of faile was shuded in the clouds. The cold wind came fm time to time.

In this spng season, I felt the warmth of the weekend. I decided to walk to the park. Mudin, who was trying to relax, walked aimlessly in the park.

Suddenly, I heard a childish voice: "Dad, look at the tree". I looked up It tned out to be a father and dghter who were walking. Looking at the direction of her fingers, the little girl suddenly spsed me: not far fm the crack, there was a toweng forest.

I know that I saw it about eight or nine years ago. When he was still a fragile sapling, I always thought that it had died. It did not take long.

Now it became solemn and solemn, with the breeze blowing, With thousands of maple leaves swaying, the seemingly majestic middle-aged man said, "this is really a acle." then what made this acle? I lost my "self-confidence" in my mind. The young girl's voice rang out again, "Dad, you see, he was still gwing into a toweng tree without soil moiste, in the envinment of sufficient sun and abundant rain, "The little girl's silver voice wakes up in my meditation. Yes, in such a bad envinment, the tree is still gwing stng and straight.

It is not becse of its stng confidence that it has thick green leaves. All his self-confidence in winning the war is like this. The fruit of the tree is like this.

When I go home, the clouds scattered above my head are on the contrary A clear sky, any time I will take to regain confidence in flying, I finally got the confidence of success in the next examination, is when the water boating, lighthouse is dim, rely on less time, thanks to the tree, I got my confidence.




2:自信人,The radio said that it would be windy in Northeast China later. It elled good becse it was delicious. Becse yo mother rained, the weather was bad, the weather was cloudy and the weather was sunny.

I didn't eat the meat.




3:自信人题目,(building confidence) self confidence, as research and practice have pved, has a spsingly powerful impact on the output of people's activities. Patients who think they'll recover soon, usually than those who don't think they're going to recover, and optimistic students often pvide better performance, n if they work as hard as others - and while some may think this conclusion is superstitious, it does happen ry day, neuscientists have found that when a person feels confident, he is bigger The brain secretes certain hormones, which pmote brain activity and impve the efficiency of the immune . Depressed brain is inhibited by other chemicals and can't give full play to its potential to build self-confidence.

You can first take the following o steps to identify yo own strens and attach importance to them. If you constantly compare yo weaknesses with those of others, you will only get setbacks Instead of confidence, track ry little pgress you've made, and review them often. You may not be able to achi perfect success in a day, but if you can see yoself gwing, you are definitely on the ght path.

There are other ways to make you confident. These are necessary factors to make you stnger and competitive in yo field.



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