
发布时间:2023-07-04 05:16:33 阅读:52 点赞:0

关于”中表示顺序连接词“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Connectives indicating order in。以下是关于中表示顺序连接词小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Connectives indicating order in

Exercise and healthy life is exercise, exercise can impve people's health, so what is the relationship beeen healthy exercise and? First, exercise can perfect body, make you energetic and energetic. Secondly, exercise can prnt obesity and make you have a stng body. Moreover, exercise can effectively reduce diseases.

Therefore, for the safety of life, we should We should do conducive to life safety of blood circulation, in order to ptect o life safety.




2:表示顺序连接词,This is where the red army fought. No one is in the office this afternoon. I went to the station myself to see her off.

You can do well yoself. The child is generally healthy, but she has a cold fm time to time. quiet please.

I told you about headaches. He always dnks to the last dp. Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy.

He didn't n answer my letter. I'm going to So And They finished the task in a few days. I gave her some presents and presents the day before yesterday.

I can't thank you so much. I'm not unfaithful to you. In any way, I am not unfaithful to you, but in the world of hell under the sun, his behavior in all aspects is perfect.

Anyway, take yo son. The news is too true. If you don't have anyone in heaven, it's over.

The sun will buy that car. Dishonest he is real. The head opened the door for me.

We did the expement yesterday..










3:中表示顺序连接词,Thank you for contacting us. Thank you for yo timely reply. Thank you for yo reply.

I thank you for the information you need. Thank you for all yo . Thank you for yo concern.

Thank you for yo feedback. Thank you for yo fendly cooperation. Thank you for yo cooperation.

Thank you for yo understanding. Thank you for yo consideration. Thank you for all you have done.

Thank you for rything I really appreciate yo . You are one in a million. You are the most grateful to you.

(we finished on time. I can't do it without you. I really appreciate yo .

Thank you very much. I want to express my gratitude to Grazie.



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