
发布时间:2023-10-26 06:10:47 阅读:29 点赞:0

关于”来自微笑“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Smile fm。以下是关于来自微笑高一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Smile fm

The importance of iley still remember how nervous I was on my first day in the new school three years ago. When I found it difficult to follow the teacher in the first English class, the teacher spoke English in the whole class, which was totally different fm my English teacher before class the next morning. When I read the text aloud with other students, she gave me a big ile and said she said I like my voice very much, ile and say that she likes my voice very much.

A few days after a week, I volunteered to be in charge of English learning in class. Thanks for the comforting ile I had in my first morning class, I be to feel confident.




2:微笑,The most valuable thing in life, the least cost, the most done, is just a happy ile. The fthy ile of a man who loves himself will dve away the gloom of the clouds, so that the sun will be full of value and goodness, and it will be integrated with man's kindness. It is worth one million dollars, and it will not cost a penny.

When we see a happy ile, it has no om for sadness. It always has the same bety. It's nr out of date.

When faile tns us blue, it motivates us to try again. Encoaging dimples are good for you and me. The highest interest it pays for it is just borwed - it's worth a million dollars, and it doesn't cost a cent.

It's easy to ile. You can wnkle dreds of times before you squeeze out the salty tears. It'll pple out, and it'll touch the heartstngs, and it'll always leave an echo like a hug - so people who ile away understand what a ile means What? It's worth a million dollars.

It doesn't cost a cent.






3:来自微笑,The importance of ile ile is very precious in this world. Keeping iling is a kind of polite behavior. No matter where you go, who you meet, ile is the best way to show yoself.

Even if you can't communicate with words, ile will make others think you are not ht. Second, ile makes people look betiful. People often say that you look betiful.

When you ile, you ile a lot Can make a person hr, ile is very important, don't forget ile, no matter what happens, yo life will be different fm ile.



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