
发布时间:2024-04-01 14:07:42 阅读:21 点赞:0

关于”生可以结婚“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:You can get mared after birth。以下是关于生可以结婚高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:You can get mared after birth

Whether college students should be allowed to get mared is an undeniable fact. Recently, whether college students should be allowed to get mared is a hot topic nowadays. Some universities have lifted the ban on College Students' marage.

Their attitudes are quite different. Some people hold a positive attitude. They say that most college students are s, and marage at an apppate age is their basis This ght, and they beli that when their physical and emotional needs are met, these students will be better able to learn to ban, which means a seous violation of human ghts.

Many others hold the opposite view, claiming that a university or college is a place of study, rather than a community with a family life. Allowing college students to get mared will have a negative impact on their studies For example, they will spend too much time taking care of their families and love, unable to concentrate on their studies and weigh the views of both sides. I think college students should not be allowed to get mared.

Although they are mostly s, they are in fact immate psycholo. Their desire to get mared is often. In addition, as students, they are not ready to support a family financially.




2:你可以在出生后结婚,We have talked about them fm the beginning of social activities. Different people have different feelings, vision and expeence for them. Even now, I really don't know what love is, but I have some indescbable feelings in my heart.

Maybe this is love. At different times when men and women meet, there will be different meanings. Love and marage have stng desire and attraction for a person ual and mantic feelings make them meet and fall in love.

Marage and marage make it a deep, gentle, indescbable feeling and cang emotion. Vision may only take a few milliseconds, but the real pcess of love is a sees of actions, changes, bnging lovers together. Love is the foundation of marage.

Marage makes them stable. Marage makes them marry becse of love. Each of them is To be fendly, to love each other, to adapt to his or her weaknesses, pblems and solutions are interined with love, most of which are unexpected, becse they are csed by the most common, ryday things.

My love and attraction shifted to family, children, career and so on, which made my wife complain and needed a convincing explanation to let her know that love nr stops what I did.




3:生可以结婚,A man was walking in the street when he heard a voice: "stop, don't move. If you go one step fther, a bck will fall on yo head and kill you." The man stopped and a big bck fell in fnt of him. The man was spsed.

He went on walking. After a while, he was going to css the ad again. The voice called out, "stop, don't move.

If you go one step fther, a car will run over you and kill you." Just then, a car came fm the corner and hardly hit him, "where are you?" The man asked, "who are you?" "I'm yo guardian angel." and the voice said, "Oh, yes," the man asked, "where were you when I got mared?".



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