
发布时间:2023-06-10 13:54:01 阅读:109 点赞:0

关于”写一篇物品“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Wte an article。以下是关于写一篇物品xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte an article

Instructions: read the following cartoon carefully and wte a short article with no less than words o article must be clearly wtten on the answer sheet

1、 yo article should meet the following requirements:

2、 descbe the cartoon and convey the information

3、 draw a conclusion and comment on the cartoon

4、 the following is a cartoon. There is a poem in the cartoon. An old grandfather is sitting in a carage, with disappointment and sadness on the ght and disappointment and sadness on the left On the side is the birthday cake given by the eldest son, and on the left is the birthday cake fm the younger son.

Today is his birthday, but there is no one to accompany him. He feels very disappointed and painful. As the poem says, sadness comes to his heart.

He feels lonely and has no desire. He can't find a happy place. His sons don't care about him on his special day, although the cake is delicious But he didn't want to touch him.

He just wanted his grandchildren to see him, and then he would feel better. In my opinion, the young people in modern society seem so busy and independent that they can nr live with their parents freely. They can only visit them occasionally.

But their blood is thinner than water. O parents have encountered many difficulties in their gwth. Therefore, we should and must bng happiness to them when they are old.






2:写一篇文章,Spng Festival is the most important festival in China. Spng Festival is the first day of the first month of the year, usually fm the end of January to the beginning of February. When the Spng Festival comes, Chinese people have a long holiday.

They gather at home fm different places to celebrate New Year's Eve. Parents give children lucky money. The whole family has a big meal, which is called reunion dinner in China.

The next day is the Spng Festival. They usually wear new clothes and the children set fire. In the following days, people be to visit relatives and fends fm the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, and people be to retn to work, marking the end of the Spng Festival holiday.





3:写一篇物品,Dear XXX: Well, can you guess who I am? I am yo old fend XXX. I have done a good job. I heard that you have graduated fm that university.

I also heard that you want to stay in that country. I sincerely ask you to retn to work in China. There are some reasons for me: first, I hope you can understand that it is much easier to find a job in China than in other countes, especially for exchange students like you.

Secondly, Yo family all want to see you, yo fends, like me, yo family raise you, now is the time for you to repay them, yo fends will encoage you, in short, please consider this matter, thank you for yo best wishes, XXX.



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