
发布时间:2024-01-07 10:06:46 阅读:23 点赞:0

关于”难忘是“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Unforgettable is。以下是关于难忘是xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Unforgettable is

Apl Sunday, Sunday, when I went to visit my clasate Tom, he was playing comr s at home. At this time, I suddenly came out of his om a all explosion, oke also be to come out, Tom quickly ran out of his om, to his father for , becse his father is also here all explosion, quickly looking for a fire extinguisher to put out the all fire, fortunately it Finally, I realized that I had been playing with the comr for than a few hos. It overheated and exploded.

This means that no matter what we play or what we do, we must have a timely imitation and self-contl. This is a good lesson for me.




2:难忘是,Unforgettable expeence this summer vacation, my family and I went to Dalian. We went there by plane. Dalian is a very betiful and modern city.

In the morning, we can see all kinds of buildings. After breakfast, we went to o hotel. We started o joney.

We took the bus to the ocean park there. I couldn't beli me After lunch, we went swimming. The sea was blue and the beach was golden.

We all had a good time in the sea. Finally, we went back to o hotel. We had a good time.

Dung the tp, we went to some interesting and famous places in Dalian , shopping, etc. A few days later, we left Dalian on o way home. We were very happy.

That's why we didn't feel tired at all. Last summer, we had a happy holiday. I went to Beidaihe with my family.

Becse the ad was not far away, we took the train to a big hotel, where we could see the sea. On the first day, we took a walk along the beach. The next day, we went swimming and took many interesting pictes.

We went to a famous and bought a lot of souvenirs. I'm going to bng these souvenirs to my fends on the last day. We have a picnic by the sea.

They perform all kinds of pgrams and make us feel very happy. It's a good tp. If I take another vacation, we'll have a good time.

I'll go there again. I like traveling very much. My tp to Xi'an was unforgettable before I went there.

I always wanted to see bin Ma Yong. So I chose to go there. I went there by train with my parents.

I had breakfast in the hotel, and then we took the bus When I got off the bus, I was very excited. I saw a lot of them. I took a lot of pictes.

Finally, we went back to the hotel in the afternoon. Although I was very tired, I was very happy that I would nr forget it.







3:难忘是,Today is new year's day. I got up early. After breakfast, I heard birds singing in the trees.

My mother, my father and I went to the local park. Everything was betiful. We saw many boats in the lake.

Then we went to my grandfather's house. There were many trees and some flowers. At sn o'clock, we went home.

Today is a happy day.



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