
发布时间:2023-06-20 08:17:34 阅读:147 点赞:0

关于”我最喜欢动物大熊猫“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My favote animal is the giant panda。以下是关于我最喜欢动物大熊猫小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favote animal is the giant panda

My name is panda. I am a national extreme ptected animal. I am all and fat.

Now I cry like a pig. I may not be the same before. What kind of blliant knowledge is and it is very elet.

O Panda's life can not be separated fm fo conditions: first, the tongue is covered. That is becse o giant panda only eats bamboo. Second, the mountains are high and the valley is deep.

Third, the temperate changes moderately. Foth, what kind of running water is tckling down. We can't live without fo conditions You know my hometown tells you that I am a star of nate.

You know why I tell you that I am a star of nate in Wolong mountain area of Sichuan Pvince. Let me tell you why first, becse of my betiful outline, second, becse of my gentle and leisely appearance, third, becse I chesh animals, foth, becse my poste is funny Fifthly, becse I am a fendship emissary, there is a panda named "Pan Pan" in Wohu lake, Sichuan Pvince. It is only five years old, black and white, and mainly eats bamboo.

The panda is shy, but it is lovely.




2:我最喜欢动物是大熊猫,Panda is one of the rarest animals in the world. People like it very much. A long time ago, there were many giant pandas in China.

As the natal balance was destyed, the weather became warmer and warmer, and there were fewer and fewer pandas. But now, the number of giant pandas is increasing year by year. Now many giant pandas are sent to other countes so that people can enjoy them there.

China's largest panda nate park is in Sichuan. There is a natal and Wildlife Research Center, and scientists hope that one day they will have enough giant pandas to be settled. Giant pandas are endangered black and white Chinese giant pandas with big heads, heavy bodies, und ears and short tails.

The Chinese call Panda "giant panda", which means "giant panda" in Chinese. Panda is a symbol of China's peace. This bear is very different fm other bears.

It has an unusual pair of cat's eyes and an opposite "thumb" on its fnt paw. Female giant panda is called sow, male is called boar, cub is called cub's eye. Most bear's eyes have und pupil.

Giant panda's pupil is vertical slit, just like cat's eye. These unusual eyes inspire Chinese to call Panda "giant cat bear". Panda's eyesight is very good.






3:我最喜欢动物大熊猫,Panda is one of the rarest animals in the world. People like it very much. A long time ago, there were many giant pandas in China.

As the natal balance was destyed, the weather became warmer and warmer, and there were fewer and fewer pandas. But now, the number of giant pandas is increasing year by year. Now many giant pandas are sent to other countes so that people can enjoy them there.

China's largest panda nate park is in Sichuan. There is a center for nate and wildlife research, and scientists hope that one day they will have enough giant pandas to be free to live in the wild again.




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