
发布时间:2023-02-25 17:33:05 阅读:156 点赞:0



The best way to me thugh the emotional csis is to share my feelings with some of my good fends. I have the opportunity to vent my emotions and find a suitable way to solve my pblems. At the same time, the exchange of opinions is ful for self-ctici.

Their suggestions are not only the best advice for me, but also give me a lot of new ideas, which I can use When I'm not happy, talking to my fends usually calms me down. I'm disappointed and s me a lot. So let me give you a piece of advice.

When you're in a low mood, talk to yo fends and suggest interpersonal communication.




2:友谊,Fendship and love) fendship is the golden thread that connects the hearts of the whole world. M Butler has no confidence. There is no fendship.

Epicus in pspety o fends know us in adversity. We know that o fendship is like money. It is easier to do than to do it.

You can't spill a few dps on someone, Emerson Emerson. Francis Bacon is impossible to love and be wise. The pcess of true love is nr easy.

Shakespeare has marage without love, and there will be love without marage. Benjamin Franklin, if you don't let the enemy know yo secret, tell yo fends not to tell yo fends. Benjamin Franklin's Road on the ad is the shor shortcut.

Oliver Goldith Love is the only wise and satiactory solution to the pblem of human svival Ech Fmm a happy man or woman is a better thing. When ry fend thinks he is better than the others, find a fendship that lasts longer than five pounds. A fend is a gift you give yoself.

Don't make fends who are willing to be with fends. They will force you to impve yoself. Thomas Jefferson's true love story will nr end.

The best pof of Richard Bach's love is to trust the Joyce bthers.





3:fendship,As for fendship, we all meet different people in o life. They say they are o fends, but we only make a few real fends. Some people say that a fend is a person close to you, or yo good partner.

In my opinion, a fend is a person who will support you, n in the most difficult time, the fendship to me is to beli you Fends, no matter what happens, them. We all want to make fends, but it's hard to say who are fends and who are not. I beli Wang Gang has become my best fend.

We met in middle school. We have been together for many years. Wang Gang and I have expeenced many happy and difficult times.

We have expeenced many adventes together, such as traveling to Huangshan and Taishan. We have expeenced many happy memoes there. I think Wang Gang is my best fend.

He is always by my side when I need him. There is a fend who won't cry uneasily in fnt of you. You can confidently tell Wang Gang the secret.

I bke up with him for about half a year. At that time, he was away fm college. I went back to my hometown to live with my grandmother.

It seems that we have nr established a partnership. Good fendship is hard to come by. We are very grateful to each other for knowing each other.

We must go thugh anything that threatens them and see a better fute. No matter what happens, we should keep o fends in mind. Don't let them leave.

The relationship we have established will let us move forward.




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